Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday Tuesday

While item donations are great, monetary donations to the right organizations are also vital in providing the necessary aid to those in need. You know what to do folks!
Research. Make sure the organization you're donating to is actually sincerely doing what they do to help the victims.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Earth Day! (:

Happy Earth Day everyone!
While it is about the environment, it is also about giving back. So for those interested, we're feeding the homeless tonight and it os Easter themed!
Where: Central Market Parking Lot
When: 9PM
What: Bring a backpack, wear a white top or anything close to it (tees are best), and tell yer friends!
But in my humble opinion, everyday should be Earth Day and we should always find ways to give back, whether its to the homeless or to Mother Nature. Everyday should be a day to take care of people/things that aren't just ourselves.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fresh Friday

Finally a breath of fresh air that is making me absolutely happy and inspired!

Here she is being honored at the Horatio Alger Association. 
Check her company out at Theranos and on Twitter

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Turmoil Thursday

In commemoration of the Sewol Ferry incident, I also watched a performamce last night that embodies the raw emotions of love loss at sea and the grieving process

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Whimsical Wednesday

I met a girl from Romania and another from Mexico yesterday. The Romanian girl and speak and understand Spanish perfectly. 
But not vice versa. So she explained to me why. It was pretty cool. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

花より団子 Thursday

花より団子 (hana yori dango) 
which means dumplings over flowers, became a sort of tease as most often, 
it felt like people were more focused on the dumplings (団子 dango) than the flowers (花). 
The saying also became popular by a certain J-Drama from 1996-1997

(well, sorta)

That also made it internationally with spin offs in 

Chinese (2001) and 

Korean (2009)

India (2014) 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Tainted Tuesday

Madre mía, en el sueño
(In my dreams, dear mother)
ando por paisajes cardenosos:
(I walk through purple landscapes)
un monte negro que se contornea
(a black mountain that bends)
siempre, para alcanzar el otro monte;
(always, to reach the other mountain)
y en el que siempre estás tú vagamente,
(and in it where you're always vague)
pero siempre hay otro monte redondo
(but there is always another round mountain)
que circundar, para pagar el paso
(for me to circle, to pay a toll)
al monte de tu gozo y de mi gozo
(for the mountain of your joy and mine)