Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who What Where?

I have acne/pimple scars on my face and it is driving me INSANE.
The idea of them still being there is making me lose my mind. 
So I decided to google it and see what are the natural ways of ridding them.

Eat fruits and vegetables
Load up on lemon juice
Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet
Try rosehip seed oil
Apply Aloe vera gel or juice
Treat your scars with tomato
Heal them with olive oil
Use honey
Lather with lavender oil
Rose water and sandalwood
Rub them with ice cubes
Make your own face mask
Multani Mitti paste

GOOD RIDDANCE! Time to start. 

And I was browsing through Zoe's blog and this was what I found. Hmm. Dunno how to feel about that post but hmm nevahmind. 

I went to the Track meeting this afternoon. This is it...

Track season has officially begun.

I dunno how I feel about it. I honestly feel very calm overwhelmed. I sure did not feel this way last year. Maybe cause the pressure of doing well is there and the studies and work and everything else.

Oh boy. 

I need mom and dad to talk to. Where are youuuu :( 

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