I think that as much as I don't want to admit it (or to the people who I have), I think that you're the person who has succeeded in filling in this hole that has been created in my heart. Because I can't even go up to you to tell you this, I am going to express it here.

The turning point happened when I saw you letting your guard down. Something I've never seen you done before and when I really began questioning my feelings. Plus the comfort level I felt with you was beyond me. Me remembering my pledge to avoid feeling how I feel today, I did my best to not show them and did what I could within my powers to defend myself from letting you think I cared more than I should...
... This went on a little longer than I expected
because it soon
seemed as though we were playing hide and seek.
That long stretch of hide and seek played its tricks on me and could be seen tossing and turning at bedtime trying to fall asleep, fighting back the resistant to stay awake.
Just a few days ago, however, I came to the realization that you are quite the asshole. A quote once stated "if someone really cares about you, they will do all they can to be with you. No lies, no excuses and no broken promises" and you were the perfect example of this. All those days of going places, zero-ed in into nothingness. Your foolish ways and your heartless like face wear, which you so happen to call your (something that can be changed if you wanted to) reality. All those days of commonality are now our hi-bye seconds. Our times of laughing and talking, have evolved into forced conversations (or at least forced from how I see it).
Either way, as of now, all I know that I face the reality of my feelings. My roommate was right. This was bound to happen. My carelessness had led me to this and as much as I've tried to hold this back till the day you walk up that stage, I no longer have the capacity to keep it to myself or to the couple of people I've talked to regarding this. No longer do I have the strength. So, this is me. Saying this.