Sunday, June 26, 2011

Erm, Hi?

So, I've been getting complaints from my cousins about the no updates. :)



So, just a few days ago, I caught a fever. You know, nothing big.

So, lets rewind to the day before, when I hung with the lovely Nawwar and Mark.

It all started with us having lunch. I decided, one drink couldn't hurt. :) Right..? :)

So okay, we, well only I and Mark drank my ONE drink while Mark ate lunch and then we had the Chocolate Molten Lava Cake from Chili's, know what I'm talking about...?


Then we parted for a bit to run some errands and decided to meet up at a certain time with Mer but Nawwar had to stay longer than planned so it was just me, Mark and Mer and we had Shisha.

By the time I drop Mark home and reached MY home, it was almost 2am. And so I showered and did my mask before going to bed. Then had to wake up at 6 to send my brother to school. After school, it was breakfast with the mom and Japan Embassy. Then by noon, I was feeling kinda shitty. I was feeling kinda uncomfortable, so I decided to take a nap. But since I wanted to make Ravioli for dinner and did not know how to slice the fats off the pork, all I could dream of was waiting for the maids to come home and getting them to do it. It was on repeat. -.- So within 90 minutes of my nap, it was wake up time. I got up and started working, not long after, the mom and maids came home.

FINALLY!! Help has arrived! My SOS! :) Okay, throughout my nap, all I could think of was how hot my body felt -temperature wise, guys. My body is no where near hotness kay- so went to the doctors after dinner.


The next night was the worst. I was in dire pain, crying from the pain inflicted on my body. Just painful.

Following night was SO much better. I could sleep with the air-conditioner on after so long. Thankful, is the word.

sorry. This post sucked. Imma write a new one HEHEHE :)

Shout out to my cousin Lee Xian who held my hand as I was in DIRE pain at the doctors. I went to the chinese doctor who used those vacuum cup thingies that HURT :/ Love you :) We need to go to Bangsar soon for our eyebrows ya? :)

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