Friday, December 6, 2013


Ya know what, it's definitely been too long.

Frankly, I'm a horrible blogger; if you can even categorize me as one. I take hiatuses, go AWOL, and basically play hide and seek with everyone, be it on social media or not. If people are even aware is a completely different field. But really, I've been home a while, and only a handful of people know. Some basically find out by bumping into me, not that I go out THAT often to begin with. Others, well, it's just cause I actively seek them out. Talk about lasting impressions: another thing I'm horrible with. I don't exactly remember a lot about a person. My brain only remembers those whose koo-koo levels are on par with mine. Either that or my crazy infatuated self thinks she's in love with you. You know, either or. Thinking aloud here.

But really, I know I apologize a lot, and knowing me (as much as I'd like to not admit it), I will be doing a lot more of that. Apologizing, that is. And yeah, you're probably right, it is an awful awful excuse to be missing from social media, or even this lonely, forsaken blog. Poor thing.

To be quite honest with you, I've not been in the best place lately. Not so much emotionally, nor mentally. Being a "fresh grad", being "funemployed, and been practically thrusted into the unwelcoming embrace of "the real world", and readjusting back to Malaysian culture (and not being very fond of it) has zombie-fied my.. well, me. I'm a pretty optimistic person in general. Though I may not seem it, nor do I portray it as much, I am. Especially when people laugh at me in disbelief; my optimism levels tend to skyrocket. Or so I thought.

I would go on. But honestly, what else is there to say right? Sides, what goes on the internet stays there permanently and whatever I say here shall be taken so seriously along with the repercussions that come with the package whether you want it to or not. Right? So, I'll just leave it as it is right now. I think I'm moving on with this and shan't think any longer about what has already happened.

We'll see where the wind blows this time. Hopefully it'll get me back to writing again.

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