Friday, February 11, 2011

Tristan Ng King Shiung

Do you have someone you know you can count on NO MATTER WHAT? 
Someone who's got your back in whatever situation you're in. 
Is there someone who's been there if not all, most of your life, giving you unconditional support and love right from the start?
Or even the one your parents talk about a lot of the time, about how he/she/they is/are all you've got?

Everyone, meet....

Tristan Ng King Shiung

My beloved brother who in my eyes will ALWAYS  be my baby brother, no matter how giant like he gets.

Born on the 6th day of July, my brother came into this world a happy baby. He was the gem of the family. Everyone LOVED him. They adorn him and were constantly showering him with nothing but the best. Me being ignorant and jealous, I never liked it. I was super horrible to him. I would get him to do a lot of things for me, like run around and get me stuff, do this, do that and on top of that I'd be SUPER impatient with him. Well, it was kind of my way to make up for all the catching up with him I had to do. Like in malls, supermarkets and wherever. Despite it all, he would still smile and be that carefree, happy boy. I remember the best moments I've had with him. One of them included us dousing our front yard with water when we got home from school, (we had kinda tiled floors outside kinda) so it'd be slippery. Then, in our full uniforms and shoes off (best part of the day!) then we'd start from the front door and run toward the front gate then surf on the wet tiles. The other was when we'd take bubble baths together. Boy, were we messy as hell! We would splash water all over the place and we would have the time of our lives. 
Once, when we were REALLY little, I still remember this so clearly, plays vividly in my mind, he said to me, "Jie (older sister in Chinese), I will marry you" and boy oh boy, was I shocked. Till today, that sentence (even though a bit weird, came from his sincerity and his love) made me wish that I hadn't treated him so badly like I did. 
As years went by, I only got colder and colder toward him. I always hated his presence and his noise. I was still insanely jealous of all he's given and all I never got. My patience toward him got worse as years went by. He was becoming more and more of a hassle that I had to look after but our only form of unity is when mom punishes us and we would talk about her behind her back in Chinese. But most of the time, we would be in each others faces, trying to get one another into trouble and getting the next person blamed.

Then, he started growing up. 

He became this intelligent individual, scoring well in school, staying awake during tuition and getting awards for excellence. Something I was not when I was his age. At 15, he's had dealt with relationships in maturity and has made more friends faster than you can say "Friend". He's scored well in his major exams, much better than I have and is much better character wise than I am. He's got the heart of gold and offers help to many regardless of his problems and their background. 

While he can be a dick sometimes, (we're bound to be poop faces once in a while, nobody's perfect) but he is my brother, my hero and an inspiration. 



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