Wednesday, February 9, 2011

You Smell Like Flowers to Me

Excuse my weird title haha. I was actually referring to my pillow :)

Correction, my FAVORITE pillow. The one I hug to sleep. :)

Which brings me to my challenge of the day!

"Photo of your favorite pillow"

At first I was going to take one now but then I remembered that I HAVE a photo of me with it! :)

Ready ready...???

This, my dear friends, was taken first few weeks of Freshman year.

Back to the point:
That is my pillow! :) It is super soft and rather flat. 
But it is the SOFTEST pillow EVER! 
I loooove it ;) 
Mom has one similar to mine too HEHE :) 

* I've a THOUSAND thoughts running through my head and a MILLION things and ideas of how I want things to go. But I'm doubtful and fearful for my own life. *

URGH. I wanna go to bed. 

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