Thursday, March 10, 2011

No Pressure

I'm so glad I do not have a 30 day challenge to drive me insane.


Just an update on whats been happening thus far. :)

BLORANGE PARTY! Well, this is kinda biased. There are only 2 seniors in this picture. 
BUT either way :) (YAY to shiny foreheads! Poo poo! Spot the one with it. -.-)
It was a Senior Sophomore party at


Cha for Tea

Some more pictures....

My roommate Hollande and I.
She said that I look like I was staring at something super yummy above us. 

EPIC failed attempt at doing the Ashley face. :) 

That was the most exciting that happened thus far. 
But I made my own pillow last night. It was FUN! LOOOOVED it! :) 
Super tedious but it was well worth it! :)

Then, I've pretty much filled my early March with work, sports and studies. No time for anything else. 
Well, and Tumblr too. Just cause I'm following more people and its fun :) 

And okay, I am so excited for tomorrow not cause I've a Japanese Mid Term or I've a presentation or anything like that but more of cause I'm going to...


For those of you at home, there are lots of snow mountains here. And even though I am SUPER broke and all, I will not be snowboarding or skiing but instead I will be snow tubing!!

Kinda lame but meh :) Life of a college student. :) Gotta do what I gotta do! :) This is cheapest. :) So don't judge!!

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