Friday, January 1, 2016

Saturday Softies

My freshman year in college (this was 6 years ago), I was at a classmate's room with my current roommate.
Let's just call them A (classmate) & B (roomie).

We were all little, and this had been a year or so after I had been introduced to Bigbang's Haru Haru song. Here's the little video (I'd recommend watching it, if you know how the members look like now, this will be a mini shocker):

And for some reason we had brought up the topic of Bigbang so B decides to show us both the video. So since I've seen it pretty recently, the story line was not much of a surprise for me. But of course, watching the sad bits of the music video was a little heart breaking. But I definitely was not expecting any sort of tears.

I, of course shed no tears. Neither did B. But when we turned to look at A who, throughout the whole video had been making vocal reactions to the video with the "aww"s, and "oh no he didn't"s, she was tearing up as though whatever that occurred in the video was real.

This was my first time seeing someone so emotional and so that took me aback. But nonetheless was pretty humorous at the time as we had to calm her down.

Fast forward a couple years, A and I felt that we needed a break from all the stress and so decided to go catch a matinee as they're light on our wallets and does the same job. So we watched Death At A Funeral. Which was just a mess in my opinion. Here's a sample of it:

If you've seen it, you might know that there was a huge commotion but at the end of the movie, the son of the deceased (played by Chris Rock) stands up after having enough of the commotion and does an eulogy. Then there was so much silence.. so I look over and A is bawling. Tears RUNNING down her cheeks and again I thought it was hilarious yet so sweet!

* to be continued

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