Wednesday, August 22, 2012

These Small Hours

I like you.
Flaws and all? 
Surprisingly so. Even though I am very much clinging onto these flaws to try and rid my feelings for you.

I like you.
Do I Facebook stalk you like a Peeping Tom a hot naked lady?
No but on occasion when I had nothing better to do than to update a close friend on my latest like which so happens to be you cause they asked for a picture of you. 

I like you.
Then, do I like everything and anything you post on Facebook?
Nah. Only sparingly so cause really, some of that shit interests me to the very very least.

I like you. 
Does this means I'd come running after you with a bat and chase you till you agree to be mine?

I like you. 
Does this mean that I pull down all my defences and let you see who I really am?
Yes. So I'd save us both the trouble of playing the game and getting my heart broken in the end cause we're not meant for each other later when you see who I really am.

I like you. 
But Is it reason for me to be your bitch?

I like you.
Like, a lot.
Which is why I still defend you when I get told you're not worth my time. 

I like you. Which is PARTLY why I make picking outfits for the day all the more challenging. I like you, which why I find myself constantly staring at my phone hoping you'd call or text me to invite me out for coffee. I like you, which is why I'm usually disappointed by the end of the day cause I get neither texts nor calls from you. I like you, and I'd love to know you feel the same way too. I like you, but I won't let anything happen between us. Not even if it is something more than friends. Because I know that none of that is likely to happen anyway. But it's cause I like you that I'm keeping whatever it is we have, gently gripping onto the slipping slopes of what I call our friendship.