Sunday, December 9, 2012

Finally Finals

"Why do you do this to yourself?"
Is always a question I get asked...

Why Kim, WHY?

Some of you are probably wondering what (the heck) is she talking about..

Well guys, tis the season for finals, I decided to write about the amount of classes I've taken this semester... In total, I have... *drum roll* 

Eight classes.

That's right. 

They include:
Do I really have to list them? 
NAH. Boring trivial shit no one really cares about anyway.

To be honest, there were days when I wanted to shut myself up in my cove and just sleep. And yes, I have had my moments/ days when I would either walk around looking like Einstein's Chinese cousin (with my hair sticking up and everything) or cry my eyes out from the weight of it all. But interestingly enough, you know when you had anticipated stuff to be horrible but by the end of it, you look back and mutter "that was not as bad as I thought!". That, my dear friends is my problem... I always come out of all of it thinking it was not shitty at all. 

So there. Haha.

Next time you're watching me torture myself with the work load, just remember I said this:
Initially, you think you're losing your marbles.
1/4 way through, you think, yeah.. I'll be okay.. I'll make it alright..
3/4 through, you're beginning to get the hang of it
By the end of it, you're just surprised it all ended and you wish you could keep going cause you had begun getting the hang of it... 

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