Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Post Exam... Wait, What?

aww yeah. short victory dance.


okay ow, too hard. 

Anyway. I finished my Political Psychology test today! HOORAY! Okay, seriously, it better had been a boo HOORAY worthy event. I studied for 3-4 days (I even lost count) straight. Literally lived on

Shutter Island/Alcatraz (ie my little room) 
Leornardo DiCaprio looks awesome, no?

without leaving the house and only going for meals in the dining room or the bathroom to do some side business. I was the last person to finish my paper and by the end of it, my wrist felt like it was wayy too crooked.

Paging MR.Chiropractor. Broken wrist coming through!

Anyway, just as I was walking out and planning out the rest of my day (which was to sleep and go to the gym, really), I bump into a classmate who reminded us that we have our European Union class today. Ah yes. Just what I needed, approximately 4 hours of sleep, WAY too much coffee in the system, not to mention sugar from my dosage of yum carrot cake.

Wow. Brilliant. 
Not to mention the fact that I told my friend (who so happens to be in the same class, if you're reading this, I'M SO SORRY!!!) that I'm done for the day. Forgetting about it until class is about to start. I feel like such a jerk right now.

So, now I'm in class right... 

Sitting there, my brain starts to fly. Not only can I not concentrate on the class. I'm thinking about what colored socks I'm missing, WHAT? Plus, I'm confused by the rapidly moving sentences and none of it registers. I copy things on the whiteboard and as I do so, the words I'm supposed to be listening to fades in the background. Jolly. 

All these Dates Treaties Things Names Morethings.
None of it registers.

My exam is on Monday. I'm far from ready. 
Can we call the undertaker this time? Forget the Chiropractor.
I'm good as dead anyway.

Something I said in class before he walked in "I'm gonna pray this is gonna be easier".....

... Totally jinxed it. We have 10 Multiple Choice, 2 Developing Idea essays. No tips, no hints.

Yep. Prayer intesify!

HAHA. Hope your day isn't as lousy as mine.
It's not lousy, really. I'm just a little challenged by my studies right now.
It can only get better from here. This, for a fact I know.

SIDENOTE: I was looking up top 10 infamous Islands for Exile.
(you know, the usual about being on that desolated island where only you and a couple more criminals are being held)
Found out some cool stuff! Click HERE to read about it ;)  

Love love

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