Monday, November 16, 2015

Rainfall Tuesday

Yesterday, around the time I posted my blog post, I was once again going through some of the wall posts on my home. And there were some rather passionate people who like me, were calling others out.

Everyone seemed to be calling out different people for different reasons. And while some were more chill, some were pretty straightforward. And for some reason, I felt pretty bad. Seeing the amount of likes on one, and not adding to the statistics, I chatted one of my friends up and told her how I was feeling. More like I asked her...

"why do I feel bad for reading your post"

She responded in getting me to check myself in asking why?
So I told her that well, at the end of the day, after all this, I am just merely one person behind a keyboard.

And why does that matter? Well, cuz we all are. We can say all these things and be opinionated about whatever but ultimately we're all behind the safe haven of a keyboard. We're not on the frontline defending anyone, sacrificing our lives for anyone. Yet we have the most to say.

And I don't think it helps that France used violence to respond to violence.

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