Sunday, November 29, 2015

Monday Momday

So the discussion on breast feeding has been a pretty sound talk of late.
I noticed that as more and more soon-to-be-moms/moms are preparing for either childbirth or motherhood, more and more are opting for more natural ways such as natural births, aka no shots, no painkillers, water births, etc and less formula more breast feeding, and the list goes on.

And one thing that's been circulating round social media is the talk of breastfeeding and milk pumping. One pretty big case was when actress Alyssa Milano took to Twitter about how Heathrow took her breast milk (that was pumped and bottled) while going through security.

Let's be real here. There are multiple reasons why women pump. One of them, which is the main one, is that the milk glands are full and need to be released. That can be done either via feeding, or pumping. And sometimes when you wanna feed, but the baby won't take it, you're left with the only other option.

Here's a quick article on Alyssa's incident.

There are tons more on the internet if you do a quick search.

And another is A LOT, and I mean
of people complaining (rightfully so) about the individuals/groups of people who shoot them stink eyes or have quite a mouthful to offload on moms who are breast feeding in public. One that I recently read off Facebook was about "a badass breastfeeding mama" who was not having it when a lady was staring at her and commanding her to cover up while breastfeeding her baby. She posted a photo and wrote a long post (please do take out the time to read it) and there she shed light on the stereotypes people seem to have built around this simple act of feeding ones child.

Earlier today I posted this picture of my son and I breastfeeding uncovered in a public restaurant. In the picture, it...
Posted by Ashley Kaidel on Tuesday, 24 November 2015

And quite frankly, I agree with everything she said. Here's something I don't quite understand. As a child, I've watched my mom breast feed my brother as a baby. And even though that was the case, I remember another time when I was on the train, I remember seeing a lady breast feeding her baby, and though I was familiar with it, as a child I was perplexed to see it for a couple reasons. 1, I only saw mom doing it, so it assured me that mom wasn't the only one. 2, it's perfectly normal. I was with my grandpa then, and he never thought anything about it, he just told me to stop staring because it's just rude to stare (especially for the whole process) in a way it's like invading someone's space ya feel me?

So anyway, it seems to me that in the mid nineties up till about a few years back, people were more keen on feeding their babies formulas, which I'm not condemning, I mean my mom went that route with my brother too. But now that people are picking the breast feeding practice back up, no one should really argue about it. If you read the post a badass breastfeeding mama made, you'll see some of the ridiculous things people have said to her and most definitely to other breastfeeding mommas as well. And quite frankly, these people need to re-evaluate the things they say. Seriously. "Boobs are for their husbands only". WHUT.

I honestly feel that everyone wants to have an opinion, wants to have a say in everything, even when it least involves them, even when it's unnecessary. Especially when it adds points to their kiasu-ness (kiasu: when you refuse to admit losing, even when the odds are DEAD OBVIOUSLY AGAINST you). 

Let's be real here, why is it that you have such strong opinions on things that matter least, but NOTHING to say when it REALLY matters? Hmm? 
To a badass breastfeeding mama and ALL the moms out there who are faced with the stupendously loud and obnoxious sounding of people who think that BOOBS are only for the husbands, I salute you all and hope that you do not let these people tell you how you feed your child.
Because yes, covering yourself up when you eat is the new trend.

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