Sunday, April 10, 2016

To Lifelong Travel Partners!

A friend and I were talking about marriage.

She's recently married and I...

I think I would like to get married many a times. The novelty of getting married from the cakes, the gifts, the reunion of people for a special occasion, the food, cake, and OMG the dress(!) are the sole reasons why I want to get married.

Yes Kim, they're called weddings. 

Something that she said kinda hit me though...

You know how people say "if you wanna know if the person is right for you, you travel with them"? The reason why they say that is because when you travel with someone, you come to learn about the person. Their true colors, specifically. Everything from their habits, their responses, to their pet peeves.

My friend said "marrying another person is like having a travel companion. A lifelong travel companion."

That really hit me because my parents are now in the phase where they're travelling the world, seeing things before they become too weak to walk. On their trips, they'll send photos of them to our group chats and they always look so fantastically joyful in them. Granted, we've also been travelling since I can remember, and plus, they met abroad. That... they've been "married" since even before they signed the papers... so to speak. And they're really happy together.

In the past, I've had some not-so-great and some pretty nice travel ventures with people. While some ended in a sour note, I've had some that were pretty damn great. Well. Sorta. To be honest, I've not travelled with enough people to say so. But the last time I travelled somewhere with someone (who wasn't my parents), I was in a crappy mood because we missed the train due to my tardiness. But the person who I was travelling with was such an angel and took very good care of me.

Travelling with parents is also another stressful thing (especially when they rely on you for translation), but more on that another time.

If marriage was as simple as just having "that lifelong travel partner", then I'd love to get married. Though if that really were the case, I would be much willing to give up on the novelty of a wedding and just use the money to go explore new territory.

With that said...

Be Mine? 

HA. Psych. I clearly have a longer way to go in terms of getting myself off the ground, and in a direction where I'm at absolute peace with myself before someone's inner peace can vibe with mine and would be willing to travel with me. Though some new stuff is in the midst of happening, where I travel and talk about it on video. So do stay tuned for more on that!

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