Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Win Win Liao?

Today was pretty productive work wise.

It was the day post exams and so it was slightly more chill. Needless to say, I had fun in class.
After class, I made a delicious lunch of which I took no photos of but I shall describe it to you:

Fish fried in non spicy chilies, tempoyak, and mom's homemade sambal (THANK YOU MOMMA).
I also had beef broth marinated in some leftover kimchi.


for Dinner:
Squash, carrots, onions cubed, fried with sesame oil and salt over hot rice. Again, no photos cuz I was FAMISHED.

Then I went to a cafe, sat myself down and worked on my script for work tomorrow. The research was not as time consuming but trying to arrange my thought was insanely time consuming. Yesterday during my speaking test, the teacher who has been my teacher since last semester told me that my biggest problem with writing in Korean (granted prolly English too) is that I have TOO many things going on in my head. I'm just constantly expanding on my thoughts. I swear. Just one thing. ONE thing, the moment my brain latches onto it, it's full throttle. Imagine a giant oak tree of thoughts growing on steroids. HAHA. SO that was that.

But then as usual when I send out my regular daily thoughts to my Whatsapp buds, I got into a discussion with a friend which to me kinda just branched all over the place. As I just mentioned above, my thoughts are all over the place and so in the process of organizing it, I just end up sticking to the original topic, basically leaving the discussion hanging (I'm now starting to see a not-so-flattering trend in my life). So yeah, my friend let me win the discussion and I felt like ass afterwards. No, not the soft round bum, but the adjective you use to describe people who are the equivalent to the bi-product that exits said body part. Because...

is a term used when the human you're having a discussion with is egoistic and always wants to win the discussion. *points at self & grins nervously*

how are you doing today? I kinda miss having you as my mealtime buddy... ):

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