Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thanks, dumbass.

Sorry about the MIA. :)

I kinda enjoyed life a bit without the use of my computer. :)
It was quieter and less stressing. Also, judging by the amount of sleep that I needed all through the weekend, the usage of the laptop would have killed it. (Cause apparently, if you look at it, your body would think that it's day time or something)
However, despite the efforts, I still am lacking in the Slumber Department (in the context of my current physical situation) and am in drastic need of some sort of pain reliever/ head clearing thing.
The head as been acting very strangely. If it isn't all light and weird, it is just throbbing mad.
The nose is stuffy one minute and clear the next, like its laughing at me (well, not literally).

On another note, despite the cold weather and my ANNOYING-AS-HELL flu, I managed to go shopping with Juliaaa. :) Dear God, it was one of the most painful ones. I got dolled up. Yes I diddd (only to NOT take any photos) and I looked like I was ever ready for some photoshoot (smacking head for not taking photos).

And the outcome of the trip, I got some stuff that I really wanted. :) Finally! I got myself that much needed handbag. :) I am so happy. I swear, it was one of the hardest decisions I had to make, cause the other one had a really pretty keychain on it. It was a butterfly! :( Oh well. I am happy with what I got. :)

Did I mention that this made me insanely happy? After what seems like forever since I washed my hair, I used this after I bought it yesterday. OMG. I am so happy. (Okay, so not the whole set but I used the shampoo+conditioner) Lily and Ashley laughed at me for my constant purchases of shampoo+conditioner. I can't help myself la. They're so pretty and they smell so yum. :) Teehee. :) 

Anyhoohas. I think it is time for me to go have brunch and get to my work. :) Lots to doooo. :) 


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