So something happened today and it's making me feel uber upset.
I really don't know what it is.
But I think that it's making me in an unsuitable condition to blog.
Shall return when things settle.
And to make things worse, watching OC reruns with the brother did not help.
Alright. Think imma go.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Get Your Skinny On
I barely have time to catch my breath.
This is insanity. But good cause then I know that I'm putting my holidays to good use and not LAZE around like Si Babi. :)
Anyhoo, I am tired and it's getting late. It is yet ANOTHER early morning. So Imma go now.
But here is something...
I barely have time to catch my breath.
This is insanity. But good cause then I know that I'm putting my holidays to good use and not LAZE around like Si Babi. :)
Anyhoo, I am tired and it's getting late. It is yet ANOTHER early morning. So Imma go now.
But here is something...
And by the way, this video is AMAZING. These dudes can REALLY sing! Watch their other videos too if you can!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Food for the Soul
This song reminds me of stuff.
It is 1.30am and I am enjoying roast chicken fresh out of the oven.
I am so happy to have such amazing friends in my life.
I realize who my good friends are...
How we've grown since our Primary School days.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Pain in Art
I had a 3 hour talk with
Now that I think about it, growing up as a kid, all I ever really talked about was gossip and well, *cough*boys*cough* and having a conversation with this woman last night really made me think deeper about life and just about everything in it.
How my world revolves round everything and all that jazz. :)
over Skype. And quite frankly, it is one of the best conversations that I've had. I must say that my friends at home sure have made me open my eyes a lot to a variation of things.
The conversation last night was one of those that I absolutely appreciate.Now that I think about it, growing up as a kid, all I ever really talked about was gossip and well, *cough*
How my world revolves round everything and all that jazz. :)
But either way, last night also confirmed just how much of a friend she really is. Never judging and never hating. Just understanding and reasoning with all her wise worlds and wisdom.
Always looking at each situation in many lights and coming to a stand still on her topic.
Thanks ho. :)
Haha kidding.
But seriously. Thank you. :) I love you Shiori Murayama! :)
You're one heck of a friend and I truly appreciate you and treasure your friendship :)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I'll Do Anything For You...
..Ooooh whatchu sayyyy
So now I'm just gonna wait for Dila to upload hers but meanwhile... I was tagged by HOT Magazine :) with Dila :)
Miss Dila Ariff won tickets for this and guess who she brought with her... :)
WOOT WOOT hell yeah! :)
It started with me leaving the house at 5 (OMG REALLY okay!) to avoid the jam at 5.30. But after all the efforts, I still left at almost 6 cause she went to get her teeth fixed.
When we got there, we ran to the front of the stage only to wait till the crowd came in to go upstairs for a better view. And goddamn, the thing didn't even start till 9 -.- He came on stage at 9. :(
But when he did, the crowd went INSANE. He had KILLER dance moves and some really super duper awesome back up dancers. :) They were really amazing!
He did a lot of this spinning thing with his hands sorta around him. It looked so cool!
He sang so many songs and the crowd never failed to cheer him up loud enough for a good ending song. :)
After the singing was over, there was a signing going on. Unfortunately, I was not able to get one because I didn't buy his album and I didn't carry enough cash. :( This always happens. :(
All in all, I thought the concert was so-so. :( I mean, it was nice to watch, but it wasn't as exciting as watching The Click Five. Those dudes were MEGA AMAZINGLY AWESOME
But that's not the point. I think I would've enjoyed it much better if I had the FULL experience of it.
Oh well. Soon. It's coming!
OH the worst part of it was... after charging my camera, I went there, attempting to take some photos but my camera died on me :(
SIGH that makes me very sad. :(
Oh well.
More coming soon! :)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
EXPLANATION Bubble Tea 101
Do you remember my talk about bubble tea in one of my previous posts? Well, here is the full explanation:
"Bubble tea brings sweet excitement to our taste buds but it is also very harmful to health. Milk essence is the main ingredient in bubble tea. The main ingredient of milk essence is hydrogenated vegetable oil (trans-fat). Experts says that a glass of 500ml of bubble tea a day far exceed the dosage limit of trans-fat for human. It will lead to heart and blood vessel diseases.
Milk essence gives the bubble tea the fragrance and make it very tasty. The fragrance and tastiness derived from a type of chemical. This chemical has trace of arsenic, lead, copper and many harmful minerals. Frequent consumption in long term will lead to heart and blood vessel disease, cancer, asthma and other health complications. Consuming the black bubbles is equivalent to consuming plastic. Normally these bubbles were made from cassava (tapioca) powder. This alone does not give the rubbery texture. To make it more rubbery, millet protein is added. To improve the mouth feel further, artificial plastic powder is added. This type of artificial plastic material will never be digested and absorbed into the body. It will remain in the body and cause havoc to our health. You can imagine what will happen to your health after prolonged consumption of trans-fat and plastic. For your health sake, please abstain from bubble tea."All in all, bubble tea is bad :(
But I like bubble tea lots. :(
So I'm kinda sad now :(
Nervous Driver, Scared Rider
After much delay, here I am, sitting before the computer screen to talk about what has transpired during my time of MIA-ness. (I am not doing homework as a result you know, but nevermind!)
So I went back to see my paternal family. Gawd, I missed them SO MUCH.
Here are some photos. :)

After much delay, here I am, sitting before the computer screen to talk about what has transpired during my time of MIA-ness. (I am not doing homework as a result you know, but nevermind!)
So I went back to see my paternal family. Gawd, I missed them SO MUCH.
Here are some photos. :)
My aunt was hand making Paus. :)
Okay, for you Malaysians, you know what this is, for you non Malaysians...
These drinks are a treasure! :)I went with dad to his high school reunion and the sunset was beautiful.
R.I.P Grandpa and Grandma. I love you both, mucho mucho.
Going back to Sabah was just what I needed, to escape a little from the madness at home. Watching my uncles and aunties work so hard and living an absolute simple life made my love for them grow. It made me appreciate their hard work and love and everything they do. Their shyness and unconditional love for their nephews and nieces never fail to soften my heart. Their sibling love also give me hope for life, knowing that no guy can ever replace it.
I wished I stayed longer. Get to know the family better. Spend more time with my darling cousins.
* * * * *
And then when I got home....
Teehee :)
We chilled and laughed and walked around aimlessly. It was nice to have been able to see Aliah after much absence :) To her dismay, when we were seated at Starbucks, she decided to play this game called "The Listening Game" that me and Nawwar both FAILED to understand :) But all in good humor. :)
Best quote ever:
"Lepas Kim ada apa?"
"what comes after Kim?"
Haha, get it?? :)
OH JOY. :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
I Apologize
I'm sorry for not updating.
I've been either too tired or too busy.
And honestly, I'm kinda rushing for time now.
So I'm kinda here to say sorry first. :)
But I will update as soon as possible! :)
I promise promise promise! :)
I've been either too tired or too busy.
And honestly, I'm kinda rushing for time now.
So I'm kinda here to say sorry first. :)
But I will update as soon as possible! :)
I promise promise promise! :)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Black and White
Today is my last class for the week.
I decided today that I'm just gonna learn vocab on my own and go through stuff way before class.
One, it's eating up money way faster than termites do with rock music.
Two, I'm tired as hell everyday and have NO time to study whatsoever.
Three, I fell asleep in class today. :(
I don't think that's a good thing.
Embarrassment at it's best there.
* * * * * *
As I am typing this, my heart is pounding. I cannot stop staring at my xanga feedback footprint thing.
Then again, maybe not.... I really don't think so.
I should continue packing.
I will be MIA for a few days. Time to visit my grandpa at his grave :)
I decided today that I'm just gonna learn vocab on my own and go through stuff way before class.
One, it's eating up money way faster than termites do with rock music.
Two, I'm tired as hell everyday and have NO time to study whatsoever.
Three, I fell asleep in class today. :(
I don't think that's a good thing.
Embarrassment at it's best there.
* * * * * *
As I am typing this, my heart is pounding. I cannot stop staring at my xanga feedback footprint thing.
Then again, maybe not.... I really don't think so.
I should continue packing.
I will be MIA for a few days. Time to visit my grandpa at his grave :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Classes are getting tougher and tougher by the days.
I realize that I have TONNES of revision and studying to do.
Speaking of which, I need to make some for Spanish too! I've not studied ONE BIT! :(
That is just, BAD. :(
I helped my aunt finish moving the last bits of her furniture into her new house. :)
I feel great. :)
But I need to go off to do homework now. :(
BYE :(
Oh and by the way, the other day in the car, mom was telling me to stop drinking bubble tea cause of the plastic ( I don't remember what chemical name it was) contents that are used to make it chewier... And today I watched this News from China talking about it and how the WHOLE drink is like a glass of poison. In Chinese it is called 珍珠奶茶 (zhen zhu nai cha). Literal translation being "Pearl Milk Tea". According to the news report, the milk in the tea is not even real milk, instead, is processed milk (man-made milk, really).
Also, the sweeteners used to enhance the taste is enough to activate cancer cells. Plus, the different flavors for variety can kill.
I realize that I have TONNES of revision and studying to do.
Speaking of which, I need to make some for Spanish too! I've not studied ONE BIT! :(
That is just, BAD. :(
I helped my aunt finish moving the last bits of her furniture into her new house. :)
I feel great. :)
But I need to go off to do homework now. :(
BYE :(
Oh and by the way, the other day in the car, mom was telling me to stop drinking bubble tea cause of the plastic ( I don't remember what chemical name it was) contents that are used to make it chewier... And today I watched this News from China talking about it and how the WHOLE drink is like a glass of poison. In Chinese it is called 珍珠奶茶 (zhen zhu nai cha). Literal translation being "Pearl Milk Tea". According to the news report, the milk in the tea is not even real milk, instead, is processed milk (man-made milk, really).
Also, the sweeteners used to enhance the taste is enough to activate cancer cells. Plus, the different flavors for variety can kill.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Once You Do, It Stays.
I managed to down dinner and watch...
with Keet Lam.
Freakin' good movie...
I was kinda annoyed at first (it felt as if it really happened to me or something)
But then near the end, it brought me to tears.
This made me cry kinda like how I did in
All in all, amazing movie. :) Very well worth the watch. :)
Sorry for the lack of lustre and the disappointment after my MIA-ness. :(
Also, I have vowed to stop saying that I "love" a certain something (unless I REALLY REALLY REALLY mean it)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Hot Damn.
I watched
on Opening Night with Dila Ariff and some other bloggers. :)
IT WAS AWESOME. Well. Erm, kinda..? :)
There was a new eye candeh :) *SWOON!*
His name is Xavier Samuel.
He is FLAMMIN' HOT yo!
LOOK! OMG. YUMMEH ;) I like the top right photo. :)
Not forgetting the old one.
Then there is also the realization of how hot the others are... :)
His smile made mine and Dila's heart melt faster than ice cream in the sun!
OH and honestly... I think that he....
is pretty cool looking. :) Well, not like HOT or anything but just cool. :) TEEHEE
And... well...
My verdict of the movie?
I thought that the action scenes were pretty awesome. They really made them pretty intense. :) Which is pretty cool. :) This movie, as far as quotes go, (I gotta agree with Dila on this) they did a MUCH better job as compared to the first two.
Jacob's character (as much as Taylor is uber hot) managed to annoy me the way he did in the book. WHICH I must say is a good thing.
Watching this made me realize just how much I forgot about the story. AH well. :) It was 2 years ago since I read it.
OH! Okay, so, we missed the first few minutes of the movie cause of the stupid line for the popcorn and when Jacob appeared, I don't know what happened, but...
I squealed.
HAHA. Sorry. :) Couldn't help it.
I also got all crummy on the inside with all the really good quotes in the movie.
When Jasper's character said the magic word, my feelings dropped.
But my favorite scene is the one of Alice and Jasper, the learning to fight new borns and after Jasper's story.
So cute. And since Alice has been my favorite character all along, it only made it much more pleasant :)
After the movie, dear Dila wouldn't stop talking about it. :) HAHA I love that girl. DAMN COMEL :)
One thing is for sure though... I am gonna buy the books in chinese and read them :) Plus, I am gonna go watch it for the second time with Dila again. :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
"It's Weird But..."
Saw this in Carmen's blog...
Thought it was pretty cool.
Thus, the title quote.
Been listening to Sunny Choi's version of Need You Now.
It is just great. Aside from the ONE off note. It is amazing. This song is just amazing.
Dila thinks I'm torturing myself. I really am not. I just love this song.
And reading Carmen's blog made me think. A lot.
But then, how is it a good thing when I know that it will all be considered nothing but a memory?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Sincere Apologies.
I am not gonna wish you Happy Birthday today.
Instead, I am gonna celebrate it by going for my run in attempt to rid myself of this illness.
I am not gonna give you your gifts.
Neither am I gonna talk to you.
I am not going to say I love you even though I really do.
Instead, I am gonna celebrate it by going for my run in attempt to rid myself of this illness.
I am not gonna give you your gifts.
Neither am I gonna talk to you.
I am not going to say I love you even though I really do.
I am not going to celebrate your birthday or wish you Happy Birthday.
This is your special day but it is more than just about Football Jerseys and new shoes or watches.
It is about how mom carried you for 9 months and brought you to this world.
It's about how mom and dad worked so hard to raise you into the big boy you are.
It is about how mom carried you for 9 months and brought you to this world.
It's about how mom and dad worked so hard to raise you into the big boy you are.
Today is a day for you to look back at the good things you've gotten over the years.
They are the same things you took for granted.
It is time for you to realize just how much better you got it in life.
They are the same things you took for granted.
It is time for you to realize just how much better you got it in life.
I am not gonna wish you Happy Birthday,
instead, I'm gonna thank mom and dad for the hard work they've put in for you.
No, you're not as important as the sacrifices they made.
You're just not.
Thank you mom and dad for everything you've done for us. I love you.
Necessito Estudiar.
I had 4 hours of class today and surprisingly I was even more lethargic yesterday with only 2 hours of class.
And to top it off, I am not feeling well either. :( I am coming down with a cold and I am not liking one bit of it...
SIGH. Time to rest a lot now. :(
And to top it off, I am not feeling well either. :( I am coming down with a cold and I am not liking one bit of it...
SIGH. Time to rest a lot now. :(
It seemed like yesterday when these were taken. It's so amazing just how fast time has passed me by. It is now July and in another month or so, I will be starting my Sophomore year.
I have so much do to now, I realize. No more time to waste or take for granted. No, I'm not letting you get to me this time. Not this time.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Dear Nik Nawwar
Dear Nik Nawwar,
As you know, (you better) I am planning on going to Singapore..
But like the last time, I am again going alone. :(
So I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join me in my adventure and go with me :)
Then, we can go to those places that you were telling me about (the last time I went). :) It will be fun. :)
Skip some classes and follow me :)
I love you!
Yours truly,
But like the last time, I am again going alone. :(
So I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join me in my adventure and go with me :)
Then, we can go to those places that you were telling me about (the last time I went). :) It will be fun. :)
Skip some classes and follow me :)
I love you!
Yours truly,
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Smothered in Paint
So I went for the Clinique Cleo thing today
I came back kinda sad at myself. Kinda disappointed actually.
My photo was AVERAGE. :( BOO, Kim! BOOOO :(
How la you tell me. HOW!
And then the rest of the day was dedicated to helping my aunt with her new place. Painted, moved, scraped, painted summore. DIE
I am tired. I'm off.
I came back kinda sad at myself. Kinda disappointed actually.
My photo was AVERAGE. :( BOO, Kim! BOOOO :(
How la you tell me. HOW!
And then the rest of the day was dedicated to helping my aunt with her new place. Painted, moved, scraped, painted summore. DIE
I am tired. I'm off.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thank You Thank You Thank You!
It is so truly AMAZING! :)
I love it!!! :)
Wow, my day has just been made...
Thank you so very much! I REALLY appreciate it!!!
Well, you like my new header? :)
It is so truly AMAZING! :)
I love it!!! :)
Wow, my day has just been made...
Thank you so very much! I REALLY appreciate it!!!
Well, you like my new header? :)
My day has officially been made. :)
Apparently, the only part that was photoshopped was my good BAD skin (and of course, as you can see, the color of the photo). Everything else remained. :) DOUBLE WHAMMEH! In an AWESOME way :)
Dear Lady Gaga
Dear Mother Monster
I was very bummed when I found out that you would be performing at Staples Center in LA a few days before I go back to the US.
And I am not able to go to any of your concerts, I was really wondering if you could consider visiting Malaysia or Singapore before going to LA.
All your baby Monsters in Malaysia and Singapore would absolutely appreciate it!
Many of us are not able to go to the US or other countries, but we would gladly go to the local concerts especially if you were performing!
We all love you so dearly and would love it if you could visit us! :)
I was very bummed when I found out that you would be performing at Staples Center in LA a few days before I go back to the US.
And I am not able to go to any of your concerts, I was really wondering if you could consider visiting Malaysia or Singapore before going to LA.
All your baby Monsters in Malaysia and Singapore would absolutely appreciate it!
Many of us are not able to go to the US or other countries, but we would gladly go to the local concerts especially if you were performing!
We all love you so dearly and would love it if you could visit us! :)
LED Glow Wristbands
I set my alarm to wake me up at about 7.30
But I did not hear anything and woke up naturally about 3 hours after it supposedly rang.
Apparently my volume was low, that's why...
I spent the rest of the day fixing up mom's birthday invitation...
Unfortunately, I cannot post the photo of my artwork up. Too much info. :)
So, I'll just say that working on it was memorable.
I really like it. It frustrated me a lot but it's okay...
OH and I called Sweet Obsessions about el pastel. :) I am kinda excited to hear what she has in mind. :)
As of now, I need to head to Pyramid for the Clinique thing. :( I AM DYING here!
Saw some Lady Gaga stuff that I AM OH SO IN LOVE with but as usual, no cash for purchase. :( SIGH. oh well. That's just life. I need to work hard to get it and I know I will!
Oh right! I got some of the photos from Aurea from the shoot. :)
They're great. :)
But I did not hear anything and woke up naturally about 3 hours after it supposedly rang.
Apparently my volume was low, that's why...
I spent the rest of the day fixing up mom's birthday invitation...
Unfortunately, I cannot post the photo of my artwork up. Too much info. :)
So, I'll just say that working on it was memorable.
I really like it. It frustrated me a lot but it's okay...
OH and I called Sweet Obsessions about el pastel. :) I am kinda excited to hear what she has in mind. :)
As of now, I need to head to Pyramid for the Clinique thing. :( I AM DYING here!
Saw some Lady Gaga stuff that I AM OH SO IN LOVE with but as usual, no cash for purchase. :( SIGH. oh well. That's just life. I need to work hard to get it and I know I will!
Oh right! I got some of the photos from Aurea from the shoot. :)
They're great. :)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The Evolution of Hair.
Met them
And since I kinda burned my purse since I got back, I wasn't able to snag anything from Zara. :( MEH oh well.
for a movie today instead of hitting the Sunway Lagoon Parks today...
We watched
and it was super. :) Not your typical action movie where it's all serious. This was fun and funny. :) Absolutely worth the watch. :)
And in attempt to pass time, we decided to go shopping but nothing really caught our eyes, so... Hmm, oh well.
And since I kinda burned my purse since I got back, I wasn't able to snag anything from Zara. :( MEH oh well.
The Evolution of Hair. (Look right to left)
While waiting for the girls to arrive, I saw
This at the music store. But it was SO expensive and I didn't have any money on me. (Not enough to buy this)
Oh well.
Kinda emo now, after what I just witnessed. Not a fan. Kay, whatever.
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