Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Evolution of Hair.

Met them

for a movie today instead of hitting the Sunway Lagoon Parks today...

We watched

and it was super. :) Not your typical action movie where it's all serious. This was fun and funny. :) Absolutely worth the watch. :) 

And in attempt to pass time, we decided to go shopping but nothing really caught our eyes, so... Hmm, oh well. 

And since I kinda burned my purse since I got back, I wasn't able to snag anything from Zara. :( MEH oh well.

The Evolution of Hair. (Look right to left)

While waiting for the girls to arrive, I saw

This at the music store. But it was SO expensive and I didn't have any money on me. (Not enough to buy this)


Oh well.

Kinda emo now, after what I just witnessed. Not a fan. Kay, whatever. 

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