Friday, July 9, 2010

Hot Damn.

I watched 

on Opening Night with Dila Ariff and some other bloggers. :)

IT WAS AWESOME. Well. Erm, kinda..? :)

There was a new eye candeh :) *SWOON!* 

His name is Xavier Samuel.

He is FLAMMIN' HOT yo!

LOOK! OMG. YUMMEH ;) I like the top right photo. :) 

Not forgetting the old one.


Then there is also the realization of how hot the others are... :) 

His smile made mine and Dila's heart melt faster than ice cream in the sun!

OH and honestly... I think that he....

is pretty cool looking. :) Well, not like HOT or anything but just cool. :) TEEHEE

And... well...

My verdict of the movie? 
I thought that the action scenes were pretty awesome. They really made them pretty intense. :) Which is pretty cool. :) This movie, as far as quotes go, (I gotta agree with Dila on this) they did a MUCH better job as compared to the first two. 
Jacob's character (as much as Taylor is uber hot) managed to annoy me the way he did in the book. WHICH I must say is a good thing.
Watching this made me realize just how much I forgot about the story. AH well. :) It was 2 years ago since I read it. 

OH! Okay, so, we missed the first few minutes of the movie cause of the stupid line for the popcorn and when Jacob appeared, I don't know what happened, but...

I squealed. 
HAHA. Sorry. :) Couldn't help it. 
I also got all crummy on the inside with all the really good quotes in the movie. 
When Jasper's character said the magic word, my feelings dropped. 
But my favorite scene is the one of Alice and Jasper, the learning to fight new borns and after Jasper's story. 
So cute. And since Alice has been my favorite character all along, it only made it much more pleasant :) 

After the movie, dear Dila wouldn't stop talking about it. :) HAHA I love that girl. DAMN COMEL :) 
One thing is for sure though... I am gonna buy the books in chinese and read them :) Plus, I am gonna go watch it for the second time with Dila again. :) 

1 comment:

    bila mau go watch again? :D
