Monday, January 14, 2013


Just cause it's a weekend, doesn't mean you have to bust out your Sunday driving.
Just cause you're not in a hurry, on a Sunday afternoon, doesn't mean everyone else is running the same schedule.
Just cause there are two lanes before you, doesn't mean you can drive on the middle of it.
Just cause you see loopholes between cars, does not give you the right to jump in between the loopholes and cut queue. Get back in line, idiot. 
Just cause the person on the fastest lane is driving at 90km/h while adhering to the speed limit, does not give you the right to overtake from the right to the far left just cause you have a motorcycle. Regardless of whether you make it or not, you're prone to killing not only yourself, but everyone else around you. 
Just cause the lane is back locked for a right turn, does not give you the right to speed up to the front and cut queue cause you don't want to wait. 
Just cause I signaled to go onto your lane, doesn't mean you have to speed up past me and slow the fuck down when I am behind you. 
Just cause I signaled to go onto the next lane and you the same, does not give you the right to flash me (not even the sexy kind, my you) and honk at me cause you could not speed up and vroom vroom your way off into oblivion.

And stop tailgating me! 

I always feel compelled to write about the shitty drivers of my country whenever I'm home. Here is the January 2013 version of it (: 

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