Thursday, January 24, 2013

What Gives?

So I'm guessing you guys were not very happy with my previous post. I get it. I have LOTSSS to work on... I got carried away, what can I say?

Now that we've put aside my spur of the moment declaration of love for feminine potential Korean baby daddies.. Today, I shall be picking on the point of parenting. Please note, before I begin, that I am not a parent (not that I quite intend to be one any time soon or in the future), I am NOT, in fact, giving you any form of advice on how you should raise your child, neither am I in any desire of taking the responsibility of your child. These are merely my two cents through my observations on how you treat your child, who seem like they could use a little bit more love/ affection.

Scenario One:
Somewhere on the sidewalks of a hectic (enough) steamboat restaurant. Family of 5 on the next table, baby chair included, child in said chair, about 3 and a half. Sudden loud "fuck you!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" from mother to child is heard. Child oblivious to meaning of words, but paralyzed by magnified volume of voice & by the possible punishments, retracts in silence.

Scenario Two:
In between crowds, a family of three, mother, son, and daughter. Mother and daughter are bargaining over an item that has daughter's desires. Mother not happy with what he hears, slaps her across the face, tells her to "shut the fuck up (diam 7, Malaysians you know what I'm talking about)" and in anger stomps away, leaving daughter to follow in silence with tears of embarrassment and absence of new toy streaming down flushed cheeks.

Scenario Three:
Screaming, tandrum throwing, thumping, kicking, shoving, child. Parent speaks over child as if blanketed by silence.

Scenario Four:
Screaming, squealing child, throwing cutlery of restaurant because child did not get desired toy. Parent, in effort to shut child up, buys toy for child, does so for many years to come, regardless of financial situation and price of toy. Just for the sake of shutting the child up.

My Two Cents:
While I, to a certain extent agree with physical punishment (none that causes significant injuries such as bleeding, bruising, scarring, etc), I absolutely disagree with the use of harsh vulgarities in the equivalent to a lion's roar, especially in public. You're probably saying/thinking: BITCH THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY I DO WHAT I WANT. My response: Er, honey, no. If it were as free as you so speak of, why are we still fighting for the rights to many many many things, one including child rights? Such as the child that evidently needs protection from you? Now you're probably gonna say: Bitch you're so smart, you raise this devil. To which I must again point out: If you see the title of this section, it says My Two Cents. These are my thoughts on the issue, if you couldn't read, then, well, I guess that kind of explains your approach on child raising. Also, you made the decision to take responsibility in raising a child, one who would, in one way or another, sooner or later, whether you realize it or not, be a person of contribution to the works of the world. It was YOU who decided to have this child, but I guess that responsibility of yours, of being a parent stopped and you fizzed out. Perhaps you got tired? You believe the child is "old enough" to know the things you have so easily taken for granted since you've attained adulthood. Or maybe because you clearly can't be bothered in raising your child to be worthy because you believe that yelling vulgarities, spoiling the child into oblivion, severely scarring the child is the way to go. Clearly, you hadn't quite thought this through when you agreed to have the child(ren)? Now, your child shall grow up, to become an exact replica of you, this will continue into generations to come, causing a deadly cycle of rude, selfish individuals of society, causing major tie severance because of the embedded qualities of superiority that gives way for unnecessary hate. And we all know what hate does to 2 individuals. Those 2 individuals then escalates to 4, 8, you know, the ripple effect. The outcome: an ecosystem of hate; WAR.

Still think your parenting skills are top notch? Think again bitch. You're starting/ continuing the vicious, poisonous universe of hate and absolute poor morales. Encouraging the injections of venom into this already lethal society. Congratulations, even if you don't support war in it's entity, you're officially a contributive member to war.

Fuck, this is why I do not want to be a parent. 

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