Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dah lah.

To those of you who are reading this.
And once you're done reading this, and you understand what I'm talking about, then please do something about it. If you read this and go, WTF is she talking about? Then its not you.

Here goes...

You are fucking bitches. You look at me with that pity look on your eyes. You smile and say hi to me as if I'm just some acquaintance.We used to talk from sunset to sunrise and now all you have to say to me is hi. In fact, you try to run away if you see me. Dear God. Seriously? You keep telling me that we should hangout, we should do this and that but no, you don't. You lie. I tell you I hope we can do this or that, you agree and yet you do it with others and leave me out of it. Thanks. Really. Thank you.

And you, you even have a name for this and you accuse ME of doing it, when frankly, I don't even fucking remember doing it YET you do it to me. THANK YOU. URGH. You disgust me with your annoyance of life, your false ideologies of 'smiling' and yet you NEVER do unless it is in a picture. URGH. You pretend things are nice with us, you pretend to be all friendly with me but when I see you walking alone and greet you, you give me the cold shoulders. I never understood your ways. One minute, you're really nice the next you look at me with the most horrid look. As if I committed some sort of crime and what crap.
I'm absolutely sick of your crap. I really am.

I'm done. I really hate it. I really hate everything. I've been working on being nice, no. Its just not working. I've attempted to talk to you, I've attempted to do things no, it just doesn't seem to work. And no, its not just you, but its you you and YOU. URGH.

Someone once said,
"It's better for people to hate you for who you are than for them to love you for who you are not".
Whoever who wrote this must've been really dumb. Doesn't he/she realize that it can only happen in a rich ass society like his/hers like, with his/her work and not as a person?! That was the most dumbest quote I've ever read. You dumb ass. Come on now, you've got to be kidding me.

Fuck this. FUCK.

Goddamn this place and the facades. GODDAMN THEM. URGH.

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