Monday, May 6, 2013

Here's Why.

Many have criticized the black profile pictures and cover pictures of Malaysians as a means of displaying the nations defeat in GE13. Here's what I think:

1. While there are many among us who seem to have thrown up their arms in dismay and pronounced their disgust at BN's win cheat, I haven't. Honestly, the reason why I had it up in the first place was because contrary to the "death of democracy," I used the black photos as a means of mocking BN for the blackout and their magic.

2. On the topic of death of democracy, well, I believe that our government had murdered the idea of it even BEFORE the election. WAY before. But of course, would a democracy treat it's citizens the way they have treated us? With minimal respect and with the pocketing public funds? Democracy seemed to have been non existent in the eyes of our ministers decades ago.

3. The black also signifies the voices that have been suppressed. The voices that remain unheard and slashed by the devil that is the greed of our government and the people who run it. Need I say more?

4. Speaking of suppressed voices, the black is also for the foreign immigrants who, in attempts to create a better life for themselves, were used as cheating tools to "win" the election. Not only were these people stolen their rights to create a better life for themselves and their families (I'm sure they're being shipped home as you read this). They were also horrifyingly discriminated by our very own. Used, laughed at, and then discarded. My heart goes out to them and their families.

5. After reading Rosheen Fatima's post about being "realistic" and if we actually expected PR to win? My answer to that is... Well, YES. Look, I'm not sure if you remember Bersih 2.0 and the turnout we had. I'm not sure if you remember just how big the crowd was and how most of those who showed up actually believed in the opposition party. I know this is rather vague for I lack the numbers and statistics but hey, aren't the images evidence enough for you to see that PR would've ACTUALLY won the election? I don't think you actually were clearly made aware of the political wave that cause the absolutely beautiful turnout of voters yesterday (sorry, no offense, please don't take it too personally, but I don't know if you actually realized it -even if your father is Sarawakian, it doesn't actually prove that BN ACTUALLY won that seat fair and square- Just and FYI, my paternal family lives in Sabah and they're a gigantic family who actually lives in the inlands of Sabah. Did I expect them to vote for BN? Of course not!) Sorry. Just thought I'd throw it out there. Just my two cents regarding your post.

4. For those of you who actually have given up hope and decided not to live in Malaysia anymore. Well, I'm not sure if you realize just how idiotic of a decision that is? First of all, not only are you heeding to BN's words of "encouragement" that seems to want a Chinese & Indian free Malaysia, but you're also giving these greedy money suckers another reason to pocket the already non-existent monetary funds of our country? Come on now.

5. Let's stand up and fight for what is right! What is fair! Life isn't fair, we all know that, and in many circumstances, there isn't much we can do. BUT we can still change what we can, what is in our control, we can right the wrong! If you say that there's nothing you can do, that's not true! We can AT LEAST make this damn election a fair one! LET'S CONTINUE ON THIS BATTLE! IT IS NOT OVER! The world needs to know about this! All the petitions, all the social media. Spread it! Spread it far and wide! Let the world know what's up! Let's get ALL the support we can get, from both the local AND global scale! Enough is enough! Let's fight for this!! Let's fight for our country! Our future! Don't give up now! EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON can do their part! It's not the end yet!