Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5 More Hours

EDIT: This was started before I came back home, posted upon returning. :) 

I am currently sitting in the emptiness of my room.

All my stuff are in storage. The only things I have are my bags and my laptop, without the beauty of my amazing speakers. And as I sit here, with my semi-aching heart, I am thinking of the past year and all that has happened..
Today, last year, I was DYING to go home. All I wanted to do was escape from the heartache that was my break up. Fast forward a year, and I'm sitting here tasting the bittersweet taste of the end of my Sophomore (or, SUFFERMORE, if you will) year.

For one, I noticed that even though it was quite the bitch to deal with, I got through it. Boy, did I learn a lot from it! I've made new friends, lost a few but I've built bonds, made mistakes and learned from them.

I've done all I could, step by step. I've fallen, cried, laughed, rejoiced and hurt from so many things. Yet, I can say that I am walking away from my Sophomore year a happier, prouder person. I've realized all the things I need to work on, all the things I can continue doing and what I should stop doing.

None of this was ever possible without all the people who have left their footprints in my life this year. Everyone from my professors, (boy, have they been an inspiration!) my upperclassmen, my underclassmen, my classmates and not forgetting all my coaches and circle of friends.

In this year, I've learned quite a fair bit about myself....

  1. If I laugh too hard, I get hiccups. But all so worth it though... Oh and and if I don't make a noise when I laugh, the veins on my neck start to show. CREEPY. I knowww...
  2. In conversations, I sometimes, rest my head on my arm and say "that's so funny" monotonously with a poker face... WEIRD.
  3. I have real bad people skills -.- It's not even funny. I look the part but I suck at it in real life -.- GODDAMNIT. Something I MUST work on. 
  4. I actually CAN work and study and do track + swim at the same time. 
  5. I like looking at the better side of people. 
  6. I'm almost there with the not caring part. 
  7. I really wanna go to grad school or further my education before I go fly. :) 
  8. I LOVE HIGH JUMP. OMG. So in love with it :) 
  9. I'm not very into running anymore HAHA 
  10. I function so much better when I'm not in a relationship. Ya know what that meansssss :) 
  11. I am meant to be alone. HAHA. This may change haha. 
  12. I LOVE PLAYING THE VIOLIN and I wanna keep playing it :) 
  13. People have weird impressions of me and they'll say shit bout me without really knowing me and all that. So, post-it to self, "fuck them". Not literally -.-
  14. I'm impatient but I know that now :) 
  15.  I am not alone on this challenging life that revolves around people. I just found out last night, I have people who are in the same rocking boat. :) 

Thank you every single one of you for an amazingly bittersweet year. :) I am truly appreciative :) 

Dear Soka, thank you for another challenging year. :) It has been a beautiful one. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow..I didn't know u played the violin, how cool is that! Don't worry, you have loads of frens in Malaysia who love you just the way you are:)

