Alright. So, I must say, that this video is truly epic.
Not only is it in Hindi, but it states so many facts about girls in relationships.
So watch it and come back :)
So, as the guy has so clearly pointed out, he's so confused as to how to act and what to do with his girlfriend who is being absolutely ridiculous. I've had so many discussions with guys who say girls are hard to understand, complicated. Every time I hear that, my brain just blanks and has a bunch of question marks in it. "complicated? what?". Now I know what they mean. Seriously. The way some girls act with their boyfriends.
Take for example this woman:
Kay, this is a little over the top, but seriously this should never happen. EVER.
Other ridiculous things some girls to their boyfriends, its crazy. For example, getting upset over their boyfriends watching porn, their boyfriends not replying one of their texts when all they're saying to each other is "I Love YOU" "I love you more" and the boyfriend needed to go pee. Okay. seriously -.- Also, girls who ask for a break up with EVERYTHING. OH MY GOD. Those are the worst -.-
I must admit though, while I'm one to talk, I was once that girl. Having knowing nothing whatsoever and had jumped into a relationship (that I'm so glad is over) I was that girl. Which leads me to my next point. Since then, I've realized that the next boyfriend I have will have to be my best friend. Obviously because you're best friends with the person, you're naturally comfortable with one another. So then going into a relationship, you're still gonna be the same. Which includes farting and burping and doing all these crazy things that you're usually too embarrassed to do in front of everyone else, you know..? Someone who can still kiss you good night with such love in his/her eyes even after you've spent the day chasing sheep just because you felt like it (which led to being chased by farmers). Just an example.
Which is something i want.
So until and unless I can find someone like that, I'm looking to be single for quite a long time.. And judging by the looks of things right now, it looks like nothing's about to change anytime soon.
Imma keep doing ma thing and just be me. Even in a relationship, I will never let anything change for nothing :)
For those of you who are single and looking for someone, just be yourself. I know its super lame and you've prolly heard this like a bajillion times. But seriously, if you're yourself, you'll continue to be yourself with that one special guy. Once you're happy with yourself, you'll be happy no matter what. So when HE/SHE comes along, it'll be a sweet bonus :) Then a break up will be "nothing" because you're happy with yourself. That, my friends is more important than anything else :)
Love love
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