Monday, November 2, 2015

Freeway Tuesday?

When I was 9 I still remember looking at a map and thinking that if I drove from Malaysia, I would still be able to make it to the States.

Well, I might need to kinda jump over the ocean between Russia and Alaska (hey I was 9 with a good imagination ok) to get to the States but I would still make it!
And who knew that now, this childhood idea of mine may just come true (:

The Trans-Eurasian belt Development is currently underway and this freeway will end in London. Trillions of monies in the making, I am pretty curious of the end result.

Not that we'll be able to see it in the near future... I don't think. First of all, monies. I would insert some intelligent comment here about monies but to be honest, I am not too familiar with the Russian economy but let's be real, trillions is A LOT of money. I mean if you go here, you'll be able to watch how much debt the US is in and so I'm not sure (if the US is on board) that they would actually want to be a part of all this.. I mean, as great as it is, do they really need it?

Speaking of, is the US and UK even down for this? Well I don't see why in terms of tourism but if ya think the possibilities that can happen...


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