Monday, February 27, 2017

Hello, It's Me.


I've been meaning to sit down and face my laptop as I update you on what's occurred in my life since my last post in September. That was when I posted about how proud I was of myself for applying to a job in Google.

Lots and lots have moved, changed, and moved out since then. So I've rounded them up into 10 things:

  1. My plans in Korea have shifted due to some unfortunate circumstances and I have relocated back to my home in Malaysia. Lucky for me, I've had to move out of my place in Korea so I don't have any outstanding bills to deal with.
  2. Since the end of my school semester, I have been applying for jobs, going to interviews, and then getting rejection after rejection. At one point, my bank account was so low, I had to take up a job busting tables at a nightclub. 
  3. My colleagues & boss at the club had taken very good care of me, but after my last job hunting stint, which resulted in me remaining in Malaysia, I told myself that as much as I enjoyed being in Korea, I do not want to risk my stay by working without the appropriate paperwork. 
  4. With that said, my family has had the misfortune of having to bare the brunt from my Airbnb rental (which sadly, is still unresolved), and the upgrade fee that went through the day before my flight (you're welcome, MAS haha jk)
  5. Slamming the breaks to all of the employment mess, all the traveling & Chinese New Year celebrations, I am now pursuing a career in the field that I am most passionate about: performing arts. I've begun my process of going for auditions and to casting houses for potential jobs. One of which you may or may not have seen on my Facebook (if we're friends). 
  6. While I'm in the process of doing so, I'm also doing some other work on the side to feel productive & to earn money. With a new determination to write more & to practice my craft. 
  7. I miss Korea loads & I wish that I was there. But I am still feeling pretty stoked about what the future holds now that I've made the decision to start pursuing something locally and moving outwards.
  8. I am friends with the person I was seeing previously, and it's been a pretty weird adjustment. But all in good vibes. I've let go and was given the opportunity to speak my mind, so there's no bad blood at least on my part.
  9. I'm kinda nervous about saying this next bit cuz I don't usually announce things like this, but I am really excited to say that I've been seeing someone and I am over the moon about it. 
  10. Last but not least, my hair is back to black again.

In a nutshell, that is what's up with my life. 
For those of you who've been checking in on me, from the bottom of my heart, thank you thank you thank you. 
For those of you who are still religiously swinging by for updates, I'm sorry. But thank you for your kind kind patience. I have been experiencing life, accumulating stories, and compiling them to retell them to you in time to come. 

Please bare with me while I seek balance of my footing in this new & exciting journey. 

Thank you once again. 

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