Thursday, June 30, 2011

How Do You Do...? What Do I Do?

So, lately, I've been talking to an upperclassman who is making her way to KL today and in our many exchange of mails, we've agreed to have her stay at my place and I will pick her up from the bus station. But since our first exchange of mails, the date of her arrival had been postponed till today.

And she recently told me that she will be staying for about a week. However, next week, I have yet ANOTHER guest who I will pick up and who will join me and two others to a trip to the beautiful beach of...


And since I leave in 4 days, I am conflicted as to what I should do. I've already booked my tickets to go to Redang and although she says that she doesn't mind staying at my place, obviously I'm not going to let her just sit in the house and let her rot. Right? After all, she's travelled all this way to visit KL, why should I let her just sit in the house and stop her from going out and about in town?

I've thought of inviting her along with us on our trip but due to certain restraints, I might not be able to go and buy the bus ticket for her. Plus, I'm still in the process of asking the boss (the organizer of the trip) if she can join us.

It is in 4 days and the countdown has already begun.....

What do I do..?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Right In Front Of Ya!

So, today, I went with my mom to get my hair steamed.

This lady is someone we've been going to for years to get a good hair wash and steam for a real affordable price.

Every time we go there, she'd always have lots of stuff to say, talking to mom about this, that and whatever. Usually, I'd sit in silence and just close my eyes or just read.

Today, I left my book at home unknowingly and so after getting bored with my moms interior decorating magazine, I just sat there and listened to whatever this woman had to say this time.

As I sat there, watching her scrub my hair, thinking of my puppy, something caught my ears: "your daughter's hair looked so much nicer when she had that, that super short hair that was up to here" -showing my mom the length by placing her hand beside her ear- "she looked SO much nicer and younger, right?"

-_- WTHeck.

Some of you who are reading this are probably thinking "Kim, WHY DIDN'T YOU STAND UP FOR YOURSELF?!"
Some others among you are just not bothered.

Well, here is why.
Being brought up in the Chinese environment where the parent just answers for you. I just sat there in silence while my mom just brushed this woman's comments about my hair off. In Malaysia, when it comes to Chinese families (I'm not going to go into the Malays and Indians cause I don't know much about how they act and react accordingly), the parents are the ones who answer for their children. Any compliment, praise or comment, negative or positive, is answered by the parents. Every gift, even, is received by the parent even if it is presented to the child. And in many cases, compliments are taken very humbly. So "humble", in fact, that the parents deny the compliment.

For example:
Compliment-er Complimented Translation for those who don't know what it means

Wow, your child is so pretty!
NO LAH, where got? So ugly. YERRR (NAHHHHH, I don't see it. So ugly! EWWWWW)

It's quite sad that they do that. I understand being humble and every thing but I've always wondered, as a child, just WHY Chinese parents do that? I just never got it. Time for change, don't you think?

On top of that, her not knowing of the difference of culture (after being in Soka for 2 years and feeling the change - yes, you do feel the change-), if I were to reply her, she'd think me immensely rude and me trying to be polite, I decided to just brush it off too. So, as usual, I sat there silently. With nothing to say. Plus, I was real sleepy and all I wanted to do was go home and play with my puppy.

So, after, all I did was just be polite, Malaysian Chinese style.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

1 Malaysia or 1 Race?

So just a few days ago, my aunt was admitted into the hospital because she had an anuerysm that almost killed her and last night, my mom decided that we should go and pay her a visit to see how she's doing pre-surgery.

Apparently visit hours were "over" when we got there. It was almost 9PM when we got there. Upon arrival, we couldn't find the elevator to go up and so we walked up to the only open counter (security was seated there) to ask. We gave them my aunt's name and they looked through their log book and told us that 1, visiting hours is over and that she already has 2 visitors. Then we decided to just go to the door that everyone was going in and out from to just force our way in but the guy at the door was being a downright dick and not letting us go in.

Then, as we were waiting to go in, a bunch of Malay people walk to the counter and they were greeted with laughter at the counter (by the way, the two women "guards" at the counter were Malays too) and were allowed to go and visit whoever that was sick. Not long after, my cousin came down to open the door for us and let us in but the guy still wouldn't let us go in unless she "took our place in entering".

Soon after, a couple more Malay families (most if not all had more than 2 people) were able to enter easily with the "door guard" holding the door for them. Yet, after me and my mom made our way up to my aunt, my cousin was being chased around and stopped in the attempts of going upstairs to her mother through other entrances. Even when my cousin cried, they did not barge. Why are you stopping a child from watching over her sick mother? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

The 1 Malaysia campaign, aimed to create unity among the citizens of Malaysia has gone well underway. Yet, we have election parties slamming down the Chinese and Indians, teachers and professors picking on Malays and people like this who are absolutely racist. What is 1 Malaysia when some others are targeted? What is 1 Malaysia when all a person who is of a different race than I am, wants to sue my family for no good and/or valid reason?

Honestly, what is 1 Malaysia? Is this what you call 1 Malaysia?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Erm, Hi?

So, I've been getting complaints from my cousins about the no updates. :)



So, just a few days ago, I caught a fever. You know, nothing big.

So, lets rewind to the day before, when I hung with the lovely Nawwar and Mark.

It all started with us having lunch. I decided, one drink couldn't hurt. :) Right..? :)

So okay, we, well only I and Mark drank my ONE drink while Mark ate lunch and then we had the Chocolate Molten Lava Cake from Chili's, know what I'm talking about...?


Then we parted for a bit to run some errands and decided to meet up at a certain time with Mer but Nawwar had to stay longer than planned so it was just me, Mark and Mer and we had Shisha.

By the time I drop Mark home and reached MY home, it was almost 2am. And so I showered and did my mask before going to bed. Then had to wake up at 6 to send my brother to school. After school, it was breakfast with the mom and Japan Embassy. Then by noon, I was feeling kinda shitty. I was feeling kinda uncomfortable, so I decided to take a nap. But since I wanted to make Ravioli for dinner and did not know how to slice the fats off the pork, all I could dream of was waiting for the maids to come home and getting them to do it. It was on repeat. -.- So within 90 minutes of my nap, it was wake up time. I got up and started working, not long after, the mom and maids came home.

FINALLY!! Help has arrived! My SOS! :) Okay, throughout my nap, all I could think of was how hot my body felt -temperature wise, guys. My body is no where near hotness kay- so went to the doctors after dinner.


The next night was the worst. I was in dire pain, crying from the pain inflicted on my body. Just painful.

Following night was SO much better. I could sleep with the air-conditioner on after so long. Thankful, is the word.

sorry. This post sucked. Imma write a new one HEHEHE :)

Shout out to my cousin Lee Xian who held my hand as I was in DIRE pain at the doctors. I went to the chinese doctor who used those vacuum cup thingies that HURT :/ Love you :) We need to go to Bangsar soon for our eyebrows ya? :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bad Cuts

I got a trim today.

The guy gave me a shitty haircut.

I don't like him.

Mom overpaid for it. He wasn't even enthusiastic about how I wanna cut it.

Ass hole even assumed he knew. fuck.

I don't like my hair.

I hope washing it will help.