Friday, August 24, 2012

Carpe Diem: A Frantic Search of A Lazy Bum

After barely sleeping the night before, and despite the rather nice nap I had gotten yesterday, I still am in some major slack in the Sleep Department. Why? Well, after for snoozing for about 5 hours last night, I was awoken by the rancid cries (bitch, they're all rancid, even if your voice is made of the finest of tunes) to go for breakfast.

What's worse:
I was having a full on body to body, making non sexual love with my blanket and you're telling me I've to move my fucking butt?! 

GOD. I wanted to die. 

So I got up, ran down in a frantic without even bothering with hygiene, opened the door and I SWEAR, it was like the Arctics had decided to pay us a visit. I was frozen for like a milisecond. Then I sprinted back up to change into some warmer clothes and take a leak cause I had forgotten I needed to pee (KAY SERIOUSLY, am I the only one who actually FORGETS to pee?!). wooookay. Too much info, Kim. So right, after THAT's done, I head back down, STILL half asleep and out the door we were, to breakfast. Interestingly enough, I was still in my night tee (just an old sports tee from high school), a pair of blue slim fits (that needed to be washed anyway so it didn't matter if it got wet), and a blue coat. Boy, I felt like GOLD despite not having brushed my teeth/ washed my face. Did I also mention that even the perfume was left alone?


Kay, to be honest, I have no idea why I just told you all that. Maybe the moral of the story is, when in doubt, put on a coat. It'll glam up ANYTHING and everything. Although, I must say, looking back at myself this morning, I must've come off as some bitch who owns no other colored clothing but Navy Blue (cause everything was that color, yes, even the tee).

Sorry, I digressed. Erm, well, I've been up since, and have been looking up some Latin quotes for my next venture... Can you guess what it is...? I'm smirking. Smirking, smirking.

So here are some that caught my eye. Thought I'd share them with the world (all up to your interpretation, how to look at it, you can love it, hate it, eat it, chew it, whatever):

amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus
love is rich with both honey and venom

audentes fortuna iuvat
fortune favors the bold

damnant quod non intellugent
they condemn what they do not understand

cor ad cor loquitor
heart speaks to heart

disce out discede
learn or depart

Hehe. I think I should stop here before I digress again and let you in on how I still have not showered. Gross, right?

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