Monday, April 25, 2016

Small Victories

My parents once told me that when I was learning how to write, I started out as a lefty and then some how somewhere along the lines I became a righty. It's pretty interesting because one of the early memories I had as a child was my hands having personas. And my right hand felt really annoyed and tired because it had to write and practically do everything.

So since I was a senior in college, I had started getting into the groove of using my left hand, starting with drawing class. But it wasn't till 2 years ago, when I was dating this lefty that I really wanted to be able to write with my left hand.
So for about... a year now (after seeing my ambidextrous colleague write cursive with her left hand and then also do so naturally with her right hand), I've been training my left hand in an effort to be ambidextrous. So far, one thing that feels like second nature now is actually brushing my teeth. I've also gotten good with doing the dishes and needs more work on buttoning with only my left hand but on and off, I would also write with my left hand. Usually the words would be the size of a dinosaur egg that looks like a toddler's handwriting. But today, I wrote a full paragraph of my essay with my left hand. It's still a bit of a struggle but I've managed to reduce my words to a decent size, and at a speed the Kim last year would be really envious of.

It definitely still leave much more to be desired but I am really happy with the improvement I've made so far.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Child Unrushed.

I've had fried chicken twice this week.
I think it's time for me to workout.

Interestingly enough tho, I've also been able to study a little more this weekend which was nice.
I even made breakfast this morning with my home grown plants.. Uh... again I forgot the photos but I made:

  1. Fried mushrooms with onions, garlic and rosemary
  2. Omelette with roasted peppers
  3. Potato wedges with dill 
  4. Cucumber and Wakame salad in sesame oil, lemon juice, and soy sauce
It was so nice to have woken up at a good hour of the day and make food without having to worry about rushing to some place... It was nice to actually use all of my kitchen in it's fullest capacity and to just enjoy the yummy food I made for myself.

I also briefly checked out the bazaar that was going on in my area and saw the Hanbok (traditional Korean outfit) inspired dress that I had been eyeing for a REALLY long time. Sidenote, you know how they say that if you sleep on the potential purchase and still REALLY want it for a really long time, then you should get it? It's funny cause I was recently (as in a couple days ago) thinking to myself that I should get the dress if I see it again. So when I saw it today, I got to try it on.


I ended up walking away from it. 
One, it wasn't cheap. It was 99,000won which is about $95 and
Second, not only was it a little tight around my elbows BUT
Third, it was a little shorter around the shoulders (granted I did have a T-shirt on but it really shouldn't be THAT significant of a difference. 
Fourth, the lady says she only makes clothes in ONE size.
Fifth, it was 99,000won.. wait, I already said that. BUT seriously


What a shame.
Even after so long of not being able to sell it, she still wouldn't part with it at a lower price.
(I actually had fallen in love with it in once in July-ish, then again in November, and then today was just a little disappointing)

But anyway, I came home tonight after studying & finishing half my essay, to this and man... I got goosebumps. 

Not sure bout you but me gots some major goosebumps


Enough bout me tho, how was YOUR weekend?

hi. how was your week(end)? Good, I hope. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

How do I?

My emotions have been up and down recently due to a variety of things going on.

I've also been challenging myself to link myself to positive things and in doing so, feed away from the less pleasant emotions that have been gently biting at my heart.

So if you are new here and have not been reading my previous posts, I was broken up with a few months ago. I shall spare you the details and instead just go straight to the point. I was broken up with because essentially, I wasn't the person of choice.

Now, with that said, I wasn't always the most honest person with my emotions either.
As a result, myself asking myself if I should or shouldn't let go of this person was what I kinda battled with until I unexpectedly got a goodbye.

To which after, I just became ridden with regret. 

But with all that said and done, I'm not gonna lie but I hate being the one who breaks up with the person so I wait to be broken up with.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, and I'm still trying to come to terms with the way my emotions and psyche deals with relationships. And of late, it's made me more observant of other couples while being a little more impatient of my own character.

So going to the title, as you can see, is my question of How Do I?
How do I deal with this? I feel like such an amateur rookie it's not fun :(

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Win Win Liao?

Today was pretty productive work wise.

It was the day post exams and so it was slightly more chill. Needless to say, I had fun in class.
After class, I made a delicious lunch of which I took no photos of but I shall describe it to you:

Fish fried in non spicy chilies, tempoyak, and mom's homemade sambal (THANK YOU MOMMA).
I also had beef broth marinated in some leftover kimchi.


for Dinner:
Squash, carrots, onions cubed, fried with sesame oil and salt over hot rice. Again, no photos cuz I was FAMISHED.

Then I went to a cafe, sat myself down and worked on my script for work tomorrow. The research was not as time consuming but trying to arrange my thought was insanely time consuming. Yesterday during my speaking test, the teacher who has been my teacher since last semester told me that my biggest problem with writing in Korean (granted prolly English too) is that I have TOO many things going on in my head. I'm just constantly expanding on my thoughts. I swear. Just one thing. ONE thing, the moment my brain latches onto it, it's full throttle. Imagine a giant oak tree of thoughts growing on steroids. HAHA. SO that was that.

But then as usual when I send out my regular daily thoughts to my Whatsapp buds, I got into a discussion with a friend which to me kinda just branched all over the place. As I just mentioned above, my thoughts are all over the place and so in the process of organizing it, I just end up sticking to the original topic, basically leaving the discussion hanging (I'm now starting to see a not-so-flattering trend in my life). So yeah, my friend let me win the discussion and I felt like ass afterwards. No, not the soft round bum, but the adjective you use to describe people who are the equivalent to the bi-product that exits said body part. Because...

is a term used when the human you're having a discussion with is egoistic and always wants to win the discussion. *points at self & grins nervously*

how are you doing today? I kinda miss having you as my mealtime buddy... ):

Monday, April 18, 2016


In full exam mode today and tomorrow.

Current status: Exams.

Current mode: Have to Study

Current mood:

Had a really eventful weekend and I'm a little bit at the point where I kinda just.. don't care.

I also got a haircut.
More to be revealed on my Instagram soon ;)

But tomorrow is speaking & listening. So I'm gonna turn my ears to the CD now.

Good night world. 

Good night to you especially. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Happy Black Day

Day 29

I've been listening to some early 2010 mixes and wondering why time has passed by so slowly. It feels like forever since when it's not even been a full month...

Today in the spirit of Black Day (basically a day for single individuals to celebrate with the consumption of some very delectable Black Bean Noodles) I did just that.

I also downed 2 cups of coffee, was still insanely sleepy, but pulled through work & bought some herbs that I've been wanting to buy.

that's my friend's tea, but the other cup came later haha

Mint, Basil, Rosemary & Dill 

I also managed some Chia Seed + lemon water for the daily quench... But barely consumed water so now I'm feeling pretty dehydrated especially with the not-so-good air quality these days. Exams are next week though. Not only do I feel unprepared, but I am going to a concert this weekend to film for the film contest my school is holding. I'm getting pretty pumped yet am riddled with fear of how it wouldn't turn out.. hehe. Oh well. Gotta give it my best shot right?

why you have to go and make me like you? 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

To Lifelong Travel Partners!

A friend and I were talking about marriage.

She's recently married and I...

I think I would like to get married many a times. The novelty of getting married from the cakes, the gifts, the reunion of people for a special occasion, the food, cake, and OMG the dress(!) are the sole reasons why I want to get married.

Yes Kim, they're called weddings. 

Something that she said kinda hit me though...

You know how people say "if you wanna know if the person is right for you, you travel with them"? The reason why they say that is because when you travel with someone, you come to learn about the person. Their true colors, specifically. Everything from their habits, their responses, to their pet peeves.

My friend said "marrying another person is like having a travel companion. A lifelong travel companion."

That really hit me because my parents are now in the phase where they're travelling the world, seeing things before they become too weak to walk. On their trips, they'll send photos of them to our group chats and they always look so fantastically joyful in them. Granted, we've also been travelling since I can remember, and plus, they met abroad. That... they've been "married" since even before they signed the papers... so to speak. And they're really happy together.

In the past, I've had some not-so-great and some pretty nice travel ventures with people. While some ended in a sour note, I've had some that were pretty damn great. Well. Sorta. To be honest, I've not travelled with enough people to say so. But the last time I travelled somewhere with someone (who wasn't my parents), I was in a crappy mood because we missed the train due to my tardiness. But the person who I was travelling with was such an angel and took very good care of me.

Travelling with parents is also another stressful thing (especially when they rely on you for translation), but more on that another time.

If marriage was as simple as just having "that lifelong travel partner", then I'd love to get married. Though if that really were the case, I would be much willing to give up on the novelty of a wedding and just use the money to go explore new territory.

With that said...

Be Mine? 

HA. Psych. I clearly have a longer way to go in terms of getting myself off the ground, and in a direction where I'm at absolute peace with myself before someone's inner peace can vibe with mine and would be willing to travel with me. Though some new stuff is in the midst of happening, where I travel and talk about it on video. So do stay tuned for more on that!

She Used To Be Mine

At one point or another in our past, present, and future life, we'll have moments where we kinda lose ourselves. It's a pretty normal occurrence in our lives. It's all a part of our growth process.

I never quite got it but it started making sense to me after I read somewhere that life, like making ceramics (I took that class when I was in college), where you have to throw the wet clay onto the hard surface to make sure that the clay becomes compact enough for you to mould it into something stable and solid. When I read that, I thought about how in order to grow, you need those hard blows in order to gather understanding of your life, thoughts, and experiences which then propels you to become the star shiny bright person you have the potential to be.

And in the times when you get these blows, it's perfectly normal and okay to lose yourself and forget all the mind blowingly great qualities that you possess. In the tough times, it's difficult to remind ourselves of what we have as we naturally use more of our energy toward facing the problems we're faced with. And in the last months, especially weeks, I've forgotten about all the great things that make me, me.

I wallowed in so much of my sorrow and had let go of my Kim-like qualities. It wasn't till my lone visit to this one cafe by the Han River that I heard this song. And there I wept. I wept over my homework and my 5th tea refill.

"she is gone, but she used to be mine" 

But yesterday after voicing out how lost I feel at this period of time, followed by a long walk with my friend across the Han River twice (one over a bridge that actually has markings to encourage people not to end their lives), I came to the painful conclusion that I've allowed myself to be stuck in that painful time.. a little too long. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Short Thanks.

Since early February, there had been a pretty bad strain on my health from various sources of stress including mental and physical ones which could also stem from my body being in unfamiliar territory & weather.
My migraines have reached a whole new level, and I seem to be a little more prone to small illnesses.

Why is this important you ask?

Well, I'm not trying to gain pity. Its actually related to what I'm about to talk about below. So, my parents may not agree with this work preference but I have wanted to work at a club. For various reasons but the one reason was to just gain some experience and see how it's like first hand.
Lucky for me, the opportunity came about in an ad seeking part timers for the club and of course I jumped at it. I got to meet one of the owners and was really glad to see how nice they were in wanting to hire a foreigner.

So I got the job and was about to start my first shift this Saturday. I would work from 7.30pm-5.30am which I couldnt oppose because I could party that long anyway so NBD. But as things would have it, I came to see that it wouldn't work out as well as I thought it would. If you read my post about why I deactivated Facebook, you'll know that a bunch of stuff's been going on in my life. It was around that time that I was really struggling emotionally, mentally, in someways financially, and more importantly physically. My health was taking a beating even though it's no longer winter.

Not only was that the case, but I also saw that I didn't really have the sufficient amount of time to really focus on my most important task of the moment: my classes. I was quickly falling behind, and with another migraine in check, I had to call a day off from school to give my body the rest it needed. That one day set me back even more.

And so after long consideration and thinking it over for 2 weeks, I told my soon-to-be boss that I decided to take back my offer to work for them because of my health. Its quite disappointing to do because I not only really wanted to work there but I usually see to it that I complete whatever it is I set out to do. Today during my break time I got a message from the owner telling me not to worry and that she hopes to see me again soon. Not gonna lie, but that message actually made me feel a little better, and slightly took me out from under the weather.

And since my post on April 1st, I seemed to have gotten calmer and more relaxed. I'm slowly regaining my focus and last night I spent 3 solid hours preparing for a newspaper article presentation for class today and after explaining to my classmates the article, I felt a small boost.

To top things off, I got compliments on my outfit, claimed a free cup of Joe and after my recording at the studio today, my boss pulled me aside to voice her concerns about my visa and my stay here in Korea.
She also told me that the rapport between my colleagues and I are solid that she's kinda frustrated that it's taking so long to get my visa issues (for part time work) processed.

A topic which has been on the table for over a year since I started working at the station. But today made me think..

She really likes the rapport going on in the recording studio. But what if I was really sick and had to be hospitalized and can neither go to school, prepare for class, or even show how awesome this rapport is? (I'm riding this train of thought because I had a friend whom was recently hospitalized and still can't go to school because of her poor health condition)
What if in the case that I had lost these opportunities to do what I actually enjoy doing?

Its all what ifs and I do not wish they become a reality. However, this brings me to my point of being grateful for what I have. I get what people mean now when they say "be grateful for what you have". I have a voice that albeit isn't it's best because of my current cold and stuff but it's allowed me to greet my friends, meet people, say thank you, and put myself in a place where I can do work that I genuinely enjoy. 

And yes, my health issues took me a step back but thankfully I recovered in time for work a nd not have to worry about that.
What I'm saying is, I'm really glad that I as much as I'm not in tip top condition physically, I'm grateful that I still can stand up, cook myself breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Simple things like that is helping me give myself the boost I need as my emotional and mental states are also doing a slow recovery from the beating that I let happen to myself. A process which will happen to us once in a while because we're unfamiliar with how to deal with them.

But today as I walked to the subway station to the next thing on my schedule, I thought about how much I know I would potentially feel like I have to limit myself if something severe were to happen to me. It was at that moment that I felt a tad better than I was last week where I was standing on the streets crying through sunglasses blanketed by condensation from my tears.

I won't be surprise if this thought gets short lived if it does happen, but for now, I wanna share this moment with you and I hope that you join me in this train ride even if it'll be short lived.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

손을 잡아줘요 Let Me Hold Your Hand

Let me hold your hand
Again and again and again
I want you to come back
I want you to love me again

Your hands that used to hold my hand
Let me feel how warm it was again

So hold my hand once more
Let me feel your warmth
The wind is blowing and it's cold

Let me hold your hand
Again and again and again
I want you to come back
I want you to love me again

Your arms that used to hug me
I want to know how warm it was again
On that last night, we said goodbye
I turned around and only cold tears fell 

Hug me once more
Let me feel your love
My heart is empty so it's cold

Let me hold your hand
Again and again and again
I want you to come back
I want you to love me again

I said 1, 2, 3 you
Today I ask that you 
Take one step back towards me
1, 2, 3 you
Today I ask for one step
4, 5, 6

Let me hold your hand
Again and again and again
I want you to come back
I want you to love me again

It's so cold without you
You were so warm
I can't go on if things end like this

Let me hold your hand
Again and again and again
I want you to come back
I want you to love me again

I await the day you become a fucking awesome being, and I become this fucking awesome being. 
So awesome will we be that when we reunite, we'll be unstoppable.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Today Was A Good Day

Today was a good day.

My legs are sore, I'm even more confused in class than I have ever been, and my nose is still stuck.
But today was a good day.

I actually took the morning off and accompanied my friend before his flight back home. A friend of mine had been staying with me for the past 2 weeks and this morning I decided to take him to my favorite bagel place and then a cup of coffee. We just sat at the cafe, staring out toward the university campus and just chilled. We also talked pretty lightly about dealing with problems, and ended up taking photos with Cherry Blossoms which were pretty great.

Then it was off to school and sit in class while I try to figure out what vocab means what HAHA.

After school, I headed out to help my roommate get her roommate while grabbing my dance teacher one as well. Recently, I learnt that her mom was in the hospital getting treated for cancer, and since, she'd seem to have lost even more weight. Might I also add that this woman is pretty skinny, and should not be losing any more weight. Last week, I noticed how thin the back of her hands looked, and so for this week, my roommate and I decided to get her the bagel. So I did just that, and had another light conversation with the Bagel Man (the dude who owns the place), and he kinda told his employees about my dream to become and entertainer. They were all really sweet about it, but I got kinda shy about it... :/

Then dance class came. And man, do I always go into it confused as ever. We learn it TOO FAST. 2 classes and we're basically running through the dance moves. Today, we learnt yet another crazy part of song #2 even though it's only the... 3rd class. Man, teacher, teaching too fast T_T
But yeah, I think the reason why I'm so sore is because of the dance. My legs... They've actually been in pretty bad shape the last few days.. My muscles were super tight.. I think also from yesterday's sleep-in.. I slept the whole day as a result of my migraine which came to me the night before, and evolved into a full blown migraine when I was supposed to wake up for school. Even lost my appetite till the evening. I guess my REALLY needed to rest...
So today, after waking my muscles up from the dance, I can safely say, dance got me super sore.

Then, after doing my news article search for class, I headed to my student's house to teach her English. Ah, my student is such a jem. But can be quite distracted pretty easily. Even then, every time I leave, she'll always send me off and be super adorable each time. Man, I'm so grateful for that child. I need to up my game as a teacher. Need to get her excited again as things are getting more challenging for her. Go Kim, go!

After buying vegetables and explaining to the store manager why I don't want plastic bags when he asked, I told him that I wanted to save the environment and I have WAY too much at home (which I'm still figuring out HOW to use them). I got my veges, and they arrived at my home when I did! Then I made me some delicious soup and am now telling you about my day. (:

Today was definitely a good day. My muscles are working, I can still sing in the shower, even though at this point, I'm more croaking than singing, and I had some good conversations with some pretty cool peeps today. And I found out that this one dude whose videos on Youtube has made me laugh soooo much is actually a Pharmacy student & works part time at a Pharmacy, that kinda reminded me that there are some pretty humble humans out there. The fact that I can be thankful for that kinda stuff instead of worrying about where to get the means to put food on the table, is something to be thankful for.

Speaking of being thankful...

urgh. this pup's so frustratingly cute. 
I cannot wait to have my own pet/see my beloved doggy back home.

OH, I even cleaned out the junk 
that has been sitting in my computer. 
Mission accomplished, small victories, baby. 

And to you, if you're reading this, I hope that you are well, know that I still miss you and love you. 
Please have strength & hope to keep growing.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

I Once Watched A Video (Part III)

After crying over the pain, enduring the embarrassment that came with the pain, and all the heart wrenching questions that only pushed the dagger deeper, she came to the realization... 

*        *         *

...that she had been selfish this whole time. Truth is, there isn't anyone in this world who is willing to love you more than you love them. No one would be willing to only sacrifice, only to get nothing in return. Because when they did, they'd become cold, and would leave. She met the man who really loved her, but there was no happiness to it. 

And so, she moved on, and told herself that she needs to actively love someone, and not only receive the love passively. 

Then it happened. She feel deeply in love with someone. She went on to tell the audience that if you really love someone, the other person's words are more than enough to send your heart on a roller coaster ride. If you really love someone, when the person isn't beside you, you feel your gut wrenching from missing that person. If you really love someone, doing the house chores for the person is nothing, because you're more than willing to do it for them. If you really love someone, you'd sacrifice anything and everything for them. In her case, she'd willingly sit on the ground and cut her partner's toenails. But man, she says, loving someone is really tiring, but brings immense joy. Because knowing that the other person is happy, everything is going well, and watching the other person's dreams come true, trumps being kind & sweet. She learnt that it is only when you really really love someone that you understand the essence of love. It's about sacrifice, not about robbing the other person of something. It's about sharing, not possessing. And when you really really love someone, you're hyper aware of all the chemical reactions that are taking place in your body. This effect doesn't happen only when you're receiving love. 

Not too long ago, her husband met the man that broke her heart. He told him that V had been such a big part of his life. She's supported me through so much, and without her, I don't know where I'd be. Shocked, her ex responded by saying that that is not the same person he remembers. But that means that she's changed, and grown: she's now more kind, compassionate, attentive, braver & tougher, more appreciative, and more willing to sacrifice.

So she goes on to emphasize on how vital it is to choose the one that we love. Because when the other person also chooses the one that they love, when you both come together, you're facing forward in life together, hand in hand, fueled by the love for one another. Because with that heart full of love, you can say wholeheartedly that "I will always aim to be better, because I love you" 

Here's the video. There's no subs but if you understand Chinese, you'd enjoy the video:

if you don't understand Chinese, I hope that I did a good job doing the re-tale of her love story.

A relationship is a strong one only if you both love each other without keeping tabs on how much love one is giving the other. Pick someone you love, not someone who loves you more. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Here's Something You Should Know.

Hi everyone.

It's been a couple months since I deactivated Facebook.
And you noticed my "I'm back, bitches!" as per screenshot below...

(What seemed to be a good idea in the morning when I did it..)
It was actually my way of dropping you my April Fool's prank.
I am not back. Not for the long run. Thus this post.

Truth is, I've been on Facebook for a pretty decent amount of years. If I'm not mistaken, I started it around the age of 16/17 (I'm 26 this year, that's almost 10 years and counting) not too long after Facebook became live . And for a really long time, my life kinda revolved around Facebook.
I've done it all (well, almost): shared my relationship status, include the person who I was "In A Relationship" with, uploaded A TON of photos, tagged myself and everyone else in them, ranted, bitched, basically procrastinated my study time with this platform, and then turn the other leaf and started including less about myself and more on the issues that I was compelled by, and eventually, got off it (Facebook). And I was gone from it a good year or two, until I had to re-activate it for work not too long after coming to Korea. Then in January, I gladly called it quits when I was no longer required to update the work FB page.

Whether it's a good/bad thing, you're free to judge.
To each their own.

But here's why I'm off it.
Truth is, there are a few reasons I'm more compelled to be away from it, than be on it.

  1. On average, even if it's just posting stuff I feel compelled to share, I spend, on a daily basis a good 7 hours on Facebook. While yes, I am seeing some really good stuff on it, 80% of that 7 hours, is actually just me scrolling through the updates (and going through them to see what I've missed.. *not much*)
  2. I significantly cut down on "productive time" and even "me time" which actually includes a good book & a nice cuppa joe at a cafe. And instead, had been constantly actively seeking out that compelling thing to share. Granted, some of the responses were pretty good. I seem to have attracted quite some conversation among my "friends", and shared some interesting comment spaces with people. But, somehow, I started becoming more insecure about myself and started relying on the virtual realm to speak up, instead of doing so in person.
  3. Even though I don't post much about my personal life. I realize that I spend a lot more time fixing the photo I'm about to upload onto Instagram, by framing it with a photo app, then editing it with another, then picking out the filters and more editing on Instagram, etc. And that became such an integral part of my Social Media that I've forgotten to look at the person in front of me who was telling me something.
  4. With that said, I'm constantly trying too hard. Trying too hard to pretend that everything's alright, even if they're not, trying too hard to take "the perfect photo" for keepsake to upload later, with a snazzy caption, that the photo starts becoming truly meaningless. All for the sake of some likes, instead of actually having heartfelt, sincere interactions with people.
  5. Therefore, I relied on Facebook to drop hints/hidden messages to a certain someone when really (BASICALLY, Passive Aggressive) should honest and direct. Even if the results wouldn't be what I had wanted to receive. All of that would have saved me so much more time, then it would've been on to the next thing. But instead,
  6. I started hurting. Emotionally and psychologically becoming hurt. So sensitive (so fucking butt hurt, egoistic, prideful even) did I become & all stemming from some sort of fear. I felt somewhat powerful after each "thought provoking post", when in real life, my relationships (friends, family, romantics) were falling apart. My daily view included more of my computer screen than the beautiful scenery & all the vibes from the city that I'm currently in. I became so dependent on all the likes/comments that I've seemed to have misplaced my abilities to overcome my problems, and instead of having "me time", I was desperately seeking attention especially in my relationships
To be honest, the last few months has been emotionally tough on me. The last week, even more so. And yesterday, for the first time in a really long time, I lost all grounds and just broke down in public. In the middle of the streets, after ranting for a good number minutes to my extremely patient roommate, I just stopped in my tracks and wept. Frankly, things have been piling up one at a time, with an extra load yesterday. So I snapped.

You might say that everyone goes through these motions, it's kinda normal. And as an adult, I should be able to manage my own time, control myself, and not be carried away by these so called distractions. After all, I got da powah! 
Right. But do we really? Or have we become so accustomed to FB that we're not even aware of how much our lives have revolved around it? Yesterday when I snapped, even in that critical moment of my release, I just wanted to go on Facebook. To distract myself. That, or to just post something to get some response, some sort of empathy. To have someone reassure me that I'll be okay. When the only person who should be telling me that is.. well, me. But I came to the realization that with my need to get approval based on my likes, I had to forgo my own approval of myself. Call me weak, call me lame.

Again, to each their own. 

But let me ask you this, can you go a week without your phone, with no Social Media? Just basic communication, pre-arranged plans, sticking to that, and using our good ol' memory to remember our appointments and tasks.
I bet none of us can. 

Happy April Fool's Day. 


  1. you still don't get it, I'm going off Facebook again. 
  2. you wanna contact me, you know where to find me. 
  3. you don't, feel free to drop me a comment here.