Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rambut Bergugur

So when I talked to Zoe Suwen Huang this morning, the topic of hair came up.

And I remembered that day when I was getting my hair washed...
The lady said that my hair is falling out. In large amounts. *gasps*
My nightmare is coming true! SHIT. + (read the + at the bottom about the nightmare)
Then when she listed the factors, I smiled as I knew right away what it was....

Apparently, it's my spending too much time in front of the computer...

Uh oh...

And the other reason why is cause I have been washing my hair with warm (close to hot water). It has been damaging my scalp apparently...

But but how am I gonna keep up with the washing with HOT cold water during the winter after my swim practice??? :(

I guess I'll figure something out... Hmm.

But after yesterday, I realized that my hair ISN'T the only thing that is at risk. My face is too. :( All the horrible scars from the acne that I've been getting when I was in the US just refuses to go away. :(

Not cool. I really can't wait to go and get my proper fix of facial products. I'm sick of using stuff that aren't suitable... Really. Even Proactiv doesn't work! :(

+ Once I had a dream that I was in the bathroom, combing through my hair with my hands and each time, CHUNKS of hair would fall out and I would just be all chill and toss it in the bin (it was never ending!)

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