Friday, June 25, 2010

"Shoes Never Break Up With You"

So, instead of Panjat Batu-ing like planned, I headed to 1U with

him HER 

and walked and (kinda) ate. :)

This was followed by trips to shoe shops and more shops for some eye washing :) (not literally!)

The one that we stayed in the longest was

and and

HAHA, the ones without the shower :) For some reason, our bladders filled up pretty quickly. Forcing us to make many trips to that place. Haha. Oh dear. Old. :(

Despite being in Aldo for such a long time (and even visiting the other branch), we still were not able to make any purchases as desired. :( Made me sad. I mean, it wasn't really worth RM273. :( SIGH IF ONLY. 

And so, I went home with some small purchases I made along the way (they were necessities!). 

And oh! we also met up with 

and had some ice cream. :) Haha, I hope todays run after dins helped with ridding it from my system :) 
Oh holy crap, did I mention how as we were leaving the carpark of BV, Nawwar SCREAMED OUT LOUD cause she saw her kawan? -.- 
DEAR GOD that woman. 
Even dear Fatin was like OMG Nawwar. -.- 
OH YEAH *sarcastic voice* the woman even got excited when she saw her pediatrician *shakes head*. Sometimes, I ask myself... whyohwhydidiputmyselfthroughthis. :) 
Only we know why la I guess. :) 

The best part of my day..?


Seeing her and her sister on Skype. :) ABSOLUTELY made my day! :) Somehow she had some problems with her computer and so I was not able to speak to her or even hear her. :( BUT! In the 40 minutes that I was able to see her and type our conversations, it made me do nothing but smile. :) I miss her! :(


Facebook-ing with one my favorite persons in SUA who is also my Spanish partner! :) It made me grin from side to side and I absolutely love it. :) 

I noticed that I become socially better when I lack sleep. Hmm. I guess this is a good sign. :) I will be more like me when I lack sleep, not that I will be skimming on any but at least now I'm aware of how I should act. I guess, I can say that I am well on my way! :) 

It has been a year since MJ's passing but he will FOREVER live in my heart. Thank you radio stations for paying tribute to him.

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