Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bloody Mary

Oh. My. God.

I've a blister. Not just a regular "oh, you're there, cool!" blister. This one has BLOOD in it!!!!

OMG can this be any worse?!

On the worst day too -.- The meets on Saturday. ER, HELLO! -.-

GAH. This heat has its cons. This is it -.-


And so, today, I went to practice. Looking like a Zombie. Its great how everyone complimented me on my new Zombie look :) Like a criminal, I was accused.

Apparently I've been drinking/ smoking weed. -.-

I'm TIRED people! I don't sleep past 11PM!! So if I do, expect me to look like a friggin zombie if I take a 30 minute nap before practiceee! Geees. -.-
It kinda messed with my practice too :( I could barely run and jump and having to do abs right after... OMG -.- Not fun when you're super tired like that.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

You're So Right

Watching this video gives me heartache.

Goes back to 2009 when I was deciding on who to root for on American Idol Season 8.
I really liked him and

Kris Allen

So I didn't know who to root for. Oh poor me. They were really good singers, hello!

Then as usual, it was all of us watching and then I was telling everyone how I think Adam is GORGEOUS (did I mention DROP-DEAD?)

Then mom gave me this puzzled "what the heck are you talking about" face and asked me if I was blind and told me everything as everyone else laughed and said that I suck cause I couldn't tell.

GAH he's gay. :( I mean I saw pictures but didn't think much about them. After all, he acted a lot and stuff so I didn't think he'd be gay.


Obviously I DO NOT own a GAY-DAR. meh.

SIGH. And now listening to his songs and watching his videos makes me sad. :( MEH.
He's still so beautiful though.

Nothings changed.

and also the fact that he looks a lot like you also saddens me.

Friday, March 25, 2011

London, Paris, Tokyo.

Went for retail therapy today with my dear friend


It was MUCH needed.

For one, I was feeling *puts hand at neck* up to here just staying on this campus.

Second of all, I need some new stuff people! I'm always wearing the same stuff and its been a while since I bought me some nice clothes!

I got myself some stuff :) I saw a pair of black pumps that I really wanted. Put it on the rack, hid it more like, only to come back to the empty rack space. PFFT.

Nevermind. Its a sign that theres another pair out there waiting for me. :) 

And sides, I spent a tad too much today. 

First I donated to Red Cross for Japan and then this. Hmm.

NO more.....

.... till I go home and go shopping with mommy! :D 


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Marry Me?

I was talking to some people about Niga Higa and apparently these people have not seen his "Agents of Secret Stuff" video. (If you've not seen it, CLICK on it!)

And the antagonist is a dancer from Quest Crew. If you watch America's Best Dance Crew, you'd know who I'm talking about. If not, here is something fer you. :) CLICKETY CLICK!

Watching those videos just made me DIE. 

I would like to marry a dancer now. :) HEEE

One of them looks like you. 
That scares me a little...

Did I also mention that NIGAHIGA IS AWESOME?!

Here, watch this...

For every million viewers he gets for this video, he will donate the same amount he collected the first time when this video was taken. Isn't he the sweetest? 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Howdy. How do you like my new layout? :)

Likey likey muchers? :) I like it.

You don't like it, screw you okay.

Saw something on Tumblr that reflected my life:
Here is the sequence

Isn't that great? My life summed up in these photos. How pathetic. 

That scent, is driving me nuts. 
Just like my feelings for you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Saw this on Zoe's blog so I decided to look.
Lets take a look....

After 5 minutes of seeing jibber, I saw:
1. Songs
2. Kiss.
3. Bra
4. Anderson (wth?)
5. Perfection.

Okay, whoa. Songs are pretty darn important. Kisses are optional. Not like I get any anyway -.-
A bra is super important okay! You can't wear a push up bra to practice! And Anderson, er, what? I don't know any Andersons. The ONE I do is in KL and I've not kept in contact with him for a long time. -.- So, wth! and perfection, well haha :) I like things to be MY way :) HEE So I guess its kinda right. 

But Anderson, really? -.-


I can't get over this amazing band. :)

Just wanted to share it with the world. :)

This old love has been hidden in the closet for too long! :) 

Monday, March 21, 2011


Had a spontaneous shoot with Charlie today.

Spent literally ALL day outside. :)

Here are some of the good ones :)

If only my feet and hands were not chopped off. 
Would've been purrrfect! 
OH WELL people make mistakes! :) 
Still like this picture thooo :) 

Thanks Charlie Kerhin! :D 

Went to Starbucks to ease my cravings for a Green Tea Latte/Frap. :)


ninja? ;) 

Face Palms.

Do you ever have those days when you look like this..?

When all you wanna do is hide your face from the world and just not talk to a single soul?

Days when you question almost everything?

Today was one of those days.

I can't help but ask...

I'm probably taking this a little too overly but I've not felt like this in a while and this feels kinda weird. 

Watching Glee elevated my spirits a little. :) Reminds me of why I started watching it in the first place. :) 

Everyone is talking about the Blaine and Kurt kissing scene. GAH I watched it and went crazy myself. 


Oh well. :) 

By the way everybody, Charlie updated his photography website! Check it out here!

The page starts with portraits! Enjoyyy :D

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Epiphany realized.

This is weird. 
All so alien. 
Too much to take in.

Definitely not sure on how I feel about this. 
Don't get me wrong. I don't like Selena Gomez at all but this quote is just too cool. :) 

I need sleep :) HEEE my body is calling for it. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I would like to escape.

To runaway from this place.

From you, her, him and them.

Tossing and turning at 4 in the morning is NOT cool. Not one bit.

Neither is not comprehending a single word the TV is saying nor is losing a sense of everything.

Oh well. Das is life.

Time to do some SERIOUS catching up on work. :) This week will be SUPER productive! :)

Just an update! :D

Went to San Diego State University for a met yesterday. Their track was on a parking lot. HOW COOL iset! :)  Here are some pictures I took while venturing :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is a Facebook back-and-forth comment between my brother and his girlfriend:

Her Him

Seriously? manly underwear you have there :)
sorry laa! :(
LOL for? being manly? don't worry about it ;)
bitch! :(
joke's on you. your girlfriend is a bitch. HAHHHHHHH :) 
okay. i'm too tired to argue back. or maybe its just cause idk what to say! :D
or maybe cause you just really think i'm a bitch :'(
what? nooooooooooooooo! :D
mmm k sure. :'( 

What, whoa dude. This is scary. Was I like that? DEAR GOD. I wanna kill myself now. -.- So, if I really was, I apologize. This is such a poop. Not cool. Mmmkay off to write my paper for real this time. Bye.

Good vs Bad.

Wanna be one of the bad decisions in my life? :) 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Train of thought

These photos have struck something in me. I'm not exactly overjoyed with the thing that struck. It's not cool. 

On a side note, jumping is getting more and more FUN. :) 

Okay, well.

I just wanted to post these pictures up. :)

Hope everyone has a good night. And, well, if YOU're reading this. We need to talk. Cause I don't know if I can keep this in anymore. :/

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Found this on Zoe's blog and thought its quite interesting and just how true this is. 

I guess maybe its just me and her that I know do this but I mean, I doubt anyone will disagree with me though! HMM oh well.

Anyway. I got back from Big Bear today. It was a nice 2 1/2 days of not doing work :)

I came back with a blister, a newly realized reality of a broken heart and that never ending desire to go snowboarding again. GAH!

Here are some commemorated memories! :)

Early in the morning upon departure to the mountain :)
If you're wondering why I look so pale, its the sunblock. :)

After getting our locker.
This is Flo. She was IMMENSELY patient with teaching and helping me :) 

Ski lift 

Mama Chelu :) 

Sophie who was SUPER fast!

Michelle who taught me as well :)

Group picture before leaving the lodge.

It was real fun. I had smores for the first time in my life. :) T'was nyum :)

Tami was so excited she took a picture of me eating it :) 

All in all, it was super relaxing and even though I had headaches and severe breakouts from dehydration, I still had lots of fun :) Watched 3 movies! I sure had fun ;) 

I forgot just how wonderful Disney movies are. :) 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I saw this on Facebook, Rebecca posted this up and reading it really pissed me off

I've heard stories about people suing the school and everything but this is pure idiotic.

The professor mentioned in the article, Gaye Christofferson, was a lousy professor. No one liked her Pacific Basin class. We went of a field trip that combined both my class and her class and even without being in her class, her approaches to so many things were just dumb and immature.

GROW UP, bitch. Just cause you're a professor doesn't mean you know everything.

Click here if you would like to read about it.

I love my school and I think that this is SUPER


No Pressure

I'm so glad I do not have a 30 day challenge to drive me insane.


Just an update on whats been happening thus far. :)

BLORANGE PARTY! Well, this is kinda biased. There are only 2 seniors in this picture. 
BUT either way :) (YAY to shiny foreheads! Poo poo! Spot the one with it. -.-)
It was a Senior Sophomore party at


Cha for Tea

Some more pictures....

My roommate Hollande and I.
She said that I look like I was staring at something super yummy above us. 

EPIC failed attempt at doing the Ashley face. :) 

That was the most exciting that happened thus far. 
But I made my own pillow last night. It was FUN! LOOOOVED it! :) 
Super tedious but it was well worth it! :)

Then, I've pretty much filled my early March with work, sports and studies. No time for anything else. 
Well, and Tumblr too. Just cause I'm following more people and its fun :) 

And okay, I am so excited for tomorrow not cause I've a Japanese Mid Term or I've a presentation or anything like that but more of cause I'm going to...


For those of you at home, there are lots of snow mountains here. And even though I am SUPER broke and all, I will not be snowboarding or skiing but instead I will be snow tubing!!

Kinda lame but meh :) Life of a college student. :) Gotta do what I gotta do! :) This is cheapest. :) So don't judge!!