Sunday, March 13, 2011

Found this on Zoe's blog and thought its quite interesting and just how true this is. 

I guess maybe its just me and her that I know do this but I mean, I doubt anyone will disagree with me though! HMM oh well.

Anyway. I got back from Big Bear today. It was a nice 2 1/2 days of not doing work :)

I came back with a blister, a newly realized reality of a broken heart and that never ending desire to go snowboarding again. GAH!

Here are some commemorated memories! :)

Early in the morning upon departure to the mountain :)
If you're wondering why I look so pale, its the sunblock. :)

After getting our locker.
This is Flo. She was IMMENSELY patient with teaching and helping me :) 

Ski lift 

Mama Chelu :) 

Sophie who was SUPER fast!

Michelle who taught me as well :)

Group picture before leaving the lodge.

It was real fun. I had smores for the first time in my life. :) T'was nyum :)

Tami was so excited she took a picture of me eating it :) 

All in all, it was super relaxing and even though I had headaches and severe breakouts from dehydration, I still had lots of fun :) Watched 3 movies! I sure had fun ;) 

I forgot just how wonderful Disney movies are. :) 

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