Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Saw this on Zoe's blog so I decided to look.
Lets take a look....

After 5 minutes of seeing jibber, I saw:
1. Songs
2. Kiss.
3. Bra
4. Anderson (wth?)
5. Perfection.

Okay, whoa. Songs are pretty darn important. Kisses are optional. Not like I get any anyway -.-
A bra is super important okay! You can't wear a push up bra to practice! And Anderson, er, what? I don't know any Andersons. The ONE I do is in KL and I've not kept in contact with him for a long time. -.- So, wth! and perfection, well haha :) I like things to be MY way :) HEE So I guess its kinda right. 

But Anderson, really? -.-

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