Thursday, March 24, 2011

Marry Me?

I was talking to some people about Niga Higa and apparently these people have not seen his "Agents of Secret Stuff" video. (If you've not seen it, CLICK on it!)

And the antagonist is a dancer from Quest Crew. If you watch America's Best Dance Crew, you'd know who I'm talking about. If not, here is something fer you. :) CLICKETY CLICK!

Watching those videos just made me DIE. 

I would like to marry a dancer now. :) HEEE

One of them looks like you. 
That scares me a little...

Did I also mention that NIGAHIGA IS AWESOME?!

Here, watch this...

For every million viewers he gets for this video, he will donate the same amount he collected the first time when this video was taken. Isn't he the sweetest? 

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