Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is a Facebook back-and-forth comment between my brother and his girlfriend:

Her Him

Seriously? manly underwear you have there :)
sorry laa! :(
LOL for? being manly? don't worry about it ;)
bitch! :(
joke's on you. your girlfriend is a bitch. HAHHHHHHH :) 
okay. i'm too tired to argue back. or maybe its just cause idk what to say! :D
or maybe cause you just really think i'm a bitch :'(
what? nooooooooooooooo! :D
mmm k sure. :'( 

What, whoa dude. This is scary. Was I like that? DEAR GOD. I wanna kill myself now. -.- So, if I really was, I apologize. This is such a poop. Not cool. Mmmkay off to write my paper for real this time. Bye.

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