Wednesday, February 2, 2011

6 Places Day 2

Happy Chinese New Year Eve US time! :) And 新年快乐 to those of you at home! 

This is Day 2 of my February Challenge. The question is "How you introduce yourself to new people"
Sad but true, I am VERY boring and the most serious person ever. (I still don't get how people think I'm funny, I really am not)
Usually I would be so nervous I wouldn't even talk to them. BAHAHA lazy me
But when I do, I'd be the boring one, usually we'd be talking about something in common and then it turns into "I didn't catch your name, what is it again?" -person says name- "Hi (so and so)" actually I don't even say hi, I just "Kimberley". Damn, I AM LAZY! Many times, it usually ends in me helping them get my name right or me abbreviating it to Kim cause they can't say it right -.-
I notice that I say poop a lot. Hey! Its better than swearing right :) 


6 Places


Five. Just in case you don't know this is
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe


Threeeee. Don't know where this is? This is
The office of this place, signing my long term contract

And LAST but not LEAST

Specially now cause it's Chinese New Year

Can't believe it is my second year not celebrating this awesome season with my extended family like I always do, with AMAZING food and the monkeys from home. This is also the first year my grandpa is celebrating it without his beautiful wife and the family without grandma. 

Hmm oh well. 


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