Sunday, February 6, 2011

Flying flying, Up up in the sky.

Kay, so of ALL the songs I have, I can only pick TWO. WHAT! :(

The first song would have to be

一路向北 by Jay Chou. Its actually from his


The second song I think is REALLY meaningful is 

A very inspirational song and very P!NK too :)
Its fairly new but I think its got a good message that is not gender biased.

Now, on to some books I'd recommend.

Well if you like books with sex scenes in them I would recommend books by Nisha Minhas

Here are just some of her books.

If you like kind of action-ish stuff, I would recommend books by the late 

Sidney Sheldon

His collection of books. :) My mom recommended his books to me actually!

If you like Nicholas Sparks, I would recommend books by 

Jodi Picoult
Her books are pretty good.

Some other books I liked included 

Kay, I could only think of one for now but I'll let you know when I remember. 

Also, dyou know more than 1 language? If so, I thoroughly recommend reading the books in the foreign language. It is a very wonderful experience! :) 

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