Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February Fabulocity?

I saw this on Tumblr also by the super awesome Chelsea :) 

It will be alongside my 10 things. Since I'm at number 7 might as well finish it :) 


For Day One:
"your views on death, how you cope"
K: Actually I was just talking to Ashley about this topic this evening when we went on our adventure to find her an electric blanket. To me, a lot of things about death just does not add up. Take for example, this thing that happened during the summer. I went back to the East Coast of Malaysia for my dad's high school reunion and on this board, there were yearbook pictures of all of them. Then because me and dad were early,I just sat and listened in on their conversation after the introduction. Because I saw some names highlighted, I asked dad's classmate what it meant. She explained that those people have been deceased. Then she went on to tell my dad about one of the ladies whose had passed away. Apparently, she was one of the fittest person they all knew. She never ALWAYS ate healthy, exercised, climbed Mount Kinabalu (the highest mountain in Malaysia) like 4 times? but one day, she just had a heart attack and died. I think that is super sad. She was only in her late forties early fifties. So, I still think that it is really complex and sometimes has no logic whatsoever. As for how I cope, well, I would, of course be super sad. You are indeed losing someone you love (family member or friend) and so naturally I'd cry. But I think I would celebrate their lives the way they usually act. Take my grandma's funeral for example. When she passed, we were all really sad. But during the 4 day funeral process, we were once laughing so hard, we were rolling on the floor and those around us found it rather weird that we were doing so but my mom said that if she were still alive, she would've made the environment as lively as she could with her jokes and her funny, jolly and carefree attitude. So all in all, I think that I do not like death as much but I would cope with it in the way that the person is remembered by

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