Friday, February 25, 2011

My Dresses and my Tresses.



If I could pick, I would rather wear these. I LOVE dresses. Log dresses make me the happiest.

Shorts and T shirt is good too. Haha.

When I look out the window and I see the sun,
I'd slap on something that looks fun
But usually I'm always on the run,
So I'd have on me nothing fun.
In the noon, I'd go down the Track for my workout
Sometimes I do it with a pout 
Because my feet'd feel like a dead trout.
Have you ever had 10 bars snickers?
I have them all the time in my trainers.

One of my attempts at rhyming haha. I wear trainers a lot. Like, sport shoes. Specially in the cold weather. A LOT.

Anyway, on with todays question:

"write about where you live"

Kay, so for now since I'm here in SUA, I will talk about the campus.

It is a really pretty place with cracks all over the ground and walls.
It is filled with travertine and grey bricks.
It's a home and a school in one
A cafeteria, a clinic, a gym, a pool and a stage altogether.
It has lots of greenery, a road that goes all the way around it and it sits on the side of some canyons. 
It's my own personal library, workplace and comfort zone.
It has basketball, soccer and tennis courts.
It has a cafe, mailroom and ATM.
Sometimes at night, at a distance, it looks like a palace in the middle of the middle east.
Sometimes it looks like Hogwarts
The lights make it one of the prettiest place ever.
In the day, I see birds of all sorts which lifts my spirits a little.
It's a pretty place.
I have a room of my own little bubble that hugs me.

Sigh. Today has been tough. Tougher than yesterday but it seems that everyday, I walk away not remembering the pain. The amnesia knows what to take away. I still smile and be me. I'm known to do and be certain things. Which gives me assurance that I'm finding myself again. This makes me happier, I know I'm myself again. Not someone you once suppressed, someone you silenced. Neither am I someone whose heart you tore into a million bijillion pieces. 

I am me.

Today was horrid but I'm picking myself back up on the ice. I'm gonna go on skating. 

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