Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Last of 10.

This is number one of my 10 day challenge *HOORAY!!* and I have been asked to pick a picture.

Here it is...

I miss my grandma SOOOO very much. I really do. 
I love you Mama. You're my inspiration and the reason why I'm me. 

Today's question is :
"Write about the arts"

I think art is WONDERFUL. People say its a way of expressing yourself. I think for me, that statement is only true if you have the talent/ acquired skills. Seriously. Choreographers, professionals, whatevers. I would love to be one of those but I always NEVER had the money (and the support then) to do so. Now, I have the resources but I'm too busy. 
Speaking of which, the first half, well, when I was 16, I seriously considered quitting high school and enrolling in Auckland University for Performing Arts. But mom and dad said NO. At 17, I had an argument with dad about my love, figure skating (I wanted to compete so bad but he didn't want me to, neither did mom so we had an argument about it, he got so mad he said "why don't you just quit school now and go" I was SOOO tempted to say yes but I think he only said that to spite me (and that is usually the cue for me to S.T.F.U). 
The 2nd half, well, I'm here now right..? Kay, so, today I went for Rhythm Mission (the hip hop dance club at SUA)'s first practice of the semester. OMG IT WAS SO FUN! I really wanna join it (and since my work has not yet started, I decided to go) but I know I will soon start work (I will be working everyday mind you) and that means I won't be able to join! :(
Too busy. :(

Did I mention that the semester has once again begun. This also means CRAZY ASS schedule and classes!


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