Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Father and Books

I know I'm super late but here is
Day Four:
"Write about someone you love"
If it is someone I love, it would have to be my dad. He is the most awesome person in the entire world. He is the biggest inspiration to me. He works really really hard behind the scenes. Always stressing over little things especially when it comes to my safety and my well being. He does not ask for much, only for the best for us (me and my brother). He does not spend his money on material things. No watches, clothes or even a brand new golf club that he wants. He helps me with my math homework and listens well to my problems, giving me solutions he would take and suggestions in my best interest while leaving the rest up to me. He is the first to leave the house for work and slaves in the kitchen to make sure that the food does not get burnt and that the family gets a belly full of food. He seldom looses his temper and is very forgiving with a lot of things. He cares for people around him and is funniest in the most serious manners. He eases tension and hides all his bitter disappointments. His appreciation for a lot of things have shone through and never fails to inspire.
If it is one person I love, it is my dad. My rock, my name, my blood and the veins that run within me.

I love you daddy 

Four Books:

This is one of the greatest books I've read (I decided to pick something not a lot of people have read but I guess I kinda failed at that) But either way, this is a pretty awesome book. The story line was AWESOME I really enjoyed reading this book. The twist and turns in it were really cool. The ending was really good too. 

This book was actually one of my required books for class. It actually helped me get to know more about geography and history of the pacific basin. It was cause it was part of the assignments but reading the book (we HAD to read it) really gave me lots of insight on a lot of things that were really amazing. Definitely a good book specially for people like myself (who had NO clue on pacific basin history)

I read this book a LONG time ago (to be honest, ALL her books are BOMB) and I recommend it to any girl who likes chic flics/ girly stuff

Note how this book is in CHINESE
This is my very FIRST CHINESE novel. SUPER LOVE. 
I'm still on it but I'm really really enjoying every bit of it. :) I've gotten over the tough part and so it's not so bad. :) 

The day has come to an end and today was real fun. I really enjoyed it :) 

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