Thursday, February 10, 2011

"wait, what time is it?"

Sleeping is the BEST part of my day.
I would do it ANYTIME. I'd trade my workouts for them. Seriously. Not cool I tells you.

Anyway, today is about "how you wake up in the morning"


It usually ends with me dreaming about something and then I just OPEN my eyes. And stare at Mark's calligraphy that is on my wall. I don't know why I just do and "try to figure it out" even though I kinda already know the meaning behind it. Then if I'm still tired I'd either go back to sleep if I have time to spare OR I'd force myself to get up. This happens if I've no alarm.

If the alarm rings, I actually talk to it and would say something like "OKAY OKAY SHUT UP". Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I talk to my ALARM. Genius.


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